MovieChat Forums > Feast (2007) Discussion > person you were happiest to see die

person you were happiest to see die

i would say heroine cuz she was a cocky bitch that thought she knew everything. i'm glad she got hers.


I agree on Heroine, she was annoying and bossed everyone around. Thought she was the *beep* because she wanted to get her kid. I bet she regretted throwing around Beer Guy after he basically killed her later on when he didn't let anyone let her in. I was saddest to see Henry Rollins and Beer Guy die, two very funny characters.



I liked all other characters.

It's not who you are underneath - it's what you do that defines you.



Honestly I'm gonna have to say the old lady...I believe they called her grandma? She really didnt do anything...and when it came to the final confrontation she ran(or walked away) into a closet!



The old lady died in the end...when she open the closet to peek outside then she was attacked by the monster..I think it was shown in the middle of the credit.


beer guy




Liberals are fun to laugh at.


Beerguy. All that guy did, in my opinion, was bitch, stumble around, whine, be disgusting, and was just plain useless in general. I didn't hate the heroine; she actually had the balls to do something, besides heroine 2 and bozo later on.

Been a long time, comrade.


Bossman of course but the death of that heroine bitch and grandma also delighted me.

Metal forever.............


I love horror movies and cinemized kills but I can't say I'm "happy" to see anyone die... that said, "Hero" was total comic relief. I almost expected him to say "It's time to take out the trash" - I knew he was a goner; upon his arrival the movie had already demonstrated that it wasn't playing with the usual deck.




The brunette with the kid. I was so happy when the Beerman didn't let her in and when whatshisface shot her, and then when the monsters ate her. So pleasing. Hated that bitch.

Krista Allen was the one person I didn't want to die, glad she made it.


I wanted heroine to live, it was sad to see her go.

I liked it when Bossman and Beerguy ate it. Or got eaten.


I don't quite get all the Heroine hatred...
She was keeping the group alive by having common sense... how does it make her a cocky bitch or anything? To the first to reply, Beer Guy would've gotten the group killed with his behavior... her actions were less to regret than letting Beer Guy do whatever.

I wasn't happy to see anyone die since none of them were both hateable and unfunny to me... though I liked the Hero's death most if only because it was so funny and kinda' ironic.


heroine was badass. beer guy was annoying. i think everyone wanted him dead.

hey, you're dead're dead and you're gonna turn into one of those things out there!


I was very glad I didn't have to listen to another Jason Mewes character for an entire film. And I enjoyed 'Dogma'.



The Boss was a disgusting jerk.
I didn't care about The Beer Guy either.
Pretty much enjoyed all the other characters.

Boycott movies that involve real animal violence! (and their directors too)
