6.4/10 !?!?!

Crazy! This movie was so original, clever and unpredictable. Funny as hell too.

I could make a list of every moment in this movie that I did not see coming and was a really cool twist. Nearly every other horror movie that is made, it's so obvious what will happen next, who will live, who will die etc. This movie was the exact opposite. Exciting and unexpected. I really can't believe people like crap like Saw, Hostel, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Devil's Rejects etc... movies that are random, senseless deaths with no creativity whatsoever. Watching those movies makes me hate myself, blecch.

Slither, Teeth and now Feast are going to be all time favorites for me; and I am hard to please, I almost only like older/ classic horror films. (Evil Dead, Psycho, Profondo Rosso, Suspiria, etc.) And next time I hear someone say they actually like a *beep* film like Saw, I'll just shake my head in disbelief. Just my opinions!


nah it's not 6.4 anymore, its' 6.5

i contributed on that ;)


I agree 100%. I can watch Saw, Hostel, TCM, Devil's Rejects just for mindless gore when I'm in the mood for it. And really can't stand Scream, I know what you did, and all these other teen dream "horror" movies that are just really just cheap scare tactics for tween boys to get into tween girls knickers.

and Teeth is next on my netflix list.

Welcome to the Dark Side...we have Cookies!


OMG i thought i was the only person out there that wasnt in the lease bit impressed by saw. I took this movie by some friends to watch and one of them said mmeh its ok but its no saw. I couldnt help but laugh.
I say bring back the old time horrors caz this new shock psycho gorefest is getting boring (saw hostel and the like ).


I could make a list of every moment in this movie that I did not see coming and was a really cool twist. Nearly every other horror movie that is made, it's so obvious what will happen next, who will live, who will die etc. This movie was the exact opposite. Exciting and unexpected. I really can't believe people like crap like Saw, Hostel, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Devil's Rejects etc... movies that are random, senseless deaths with no creativity whatsoever. Watching those movies makes me hate myself, blecch.

Slither, Teeth and now Feast are going to be all time favorites for me; and I am hard to please, I almost only like older/ classic horror films. (Evil Dead, Psycho, Profondo Rosso, Suspiria, etc.) And next time I hear someone say they actually like a *beep* film like Saw, I'll just shake my head in disbelief. Just my opinions!

Quick rebuttals: Devil Rejects wasn't a horror movie, just trying to be a 70s shock movie. The original Saw was actually pretty decent and the second one wasn't bad but the third and fourth were utter sh^t. Slither was a huge letdown, Teeth and Feast were pleasant surprises, Suspiria was okay but Fulci's The Beyond was better, and shake your head away. Thank you for your time.


As I pointed out to another poster on here...

Saw IV, V and VI are written by the same guys who wrote Feast.

So there's some crossover audience here in terms of series/genre. That is not to say Saw is good or Feast is bad compared to it (I'm not saying that AT ALL)...but it does really confuse me when people say things like:

"Wow, all the cool things from the story in Feast are awesome! It's not like any of that Saw stuff, which sucks!"

And either don't realize or...ignore that a lot of the Saw stuff anymore comes from the guys who came up with the Feast stuff.


My Signature Sucks.


As I pointed out to another poster on here...

Saw IV, V and VI are written by the same guys who wrote Feast.

So there's some crossover audience here in terms of series/genre. That is not to say Saw is good or Feast is bad compared to it (I'm not saying that AT ALL)...but it does really confuse me when people say things like:

"Wow, all the cool things from the story in Feast are awesome! It's not like any of that Saw stuff, which sucks!"

And either don't realize or...ignore that a lot of the Saw stuff anymore comes from the guys who came up with the Feast stuff.


sorry ashedmaniac,

Going to have to disagree with your argument here. Feast was a totally new concept that they had creative control over, whereas saw is a franchise that has already been established and has plenty of rules already set that the writers need to abide to. things have already happened, the characters have history. there is very limited control to where they can take the story. a.lso the tone of the franchise has already been set. there really is not much room to be themselves.


"Feast was a totally new concept that they had creative control over"

Not really, as Project Greenlight made clear. And it wasn't THAT new ("totally" new) of a concept anyhow. That is not to say that they had no creative input, but they weren't really fully in charge in that regard.

Although your points about the Saw franchise (and the continuance of it being handled by new writers) stand to reason, it is still them shaping the future of the franchise.

To my knowledge, what I was informed of is that while working on Saw III, Lionsgate went looking for a new writer for the series and Dunstan and Melton gave the best pitch...so, that shows a decent amount of creative control is likely in their hands. Otherwise, they wouldn't have the jobs, probably. Yes, the producers want a lot...

But it's still the same two guys writing it...and the same two guys coming up with ideas for this and that and the HOWS and the WHATS.

Saw didn't just stop moving once III ended. New characters have been introduced, new reasoning and rationales and concepts, etc. A decent chunk of that has to be the writers or else they wouldn't hire them. Yes, they need someone to put pen to paper and their (the producers and all's) ideas in action...but Dunstan and Melton also had people overseeing them on Feast.

So it still stands to reason that to say, "Wow, Feast was so refreshing! ALL of the Saw movies suck." or "Feast was good because of the writers and concept, unlike Saw and all its sequels." may seem a bit misguided. I'm not saying it is 100% misguided or misguided in every respect to say that...but they still play a large role in the Saw series continuing and to "praise their work" on one side and immediately turn and contrast it against something else which is also their work (to a decent degree - although, yes - the format is in place) while not recognizing it as theirs...just doesn't make a whole lot of sense.


My Signature Sucks.


lets say your favorite chef serves you the most disgusting thing you ever ate. you don't have to say mmmm good! just cause he made it.


Yeah, but you also can't say...

"Wow! Look at how good what this guy makes is!"

And negate mentioning the time he made something that was disgusting. You have to keep it in mind.

Or, if, say, he did always make good food as far as you were concerned. And you said that and ate something and went, "Wow, this is great! Unlike that !@#$ over there that I tried."

And it turns out he made the !@#$ over there, too.

What you're saying then makes a lot less sense.


My Signature Sucks.


"Wow! Look at how good what this guy makes is!"

this is not what anyone said originally. they said that feast rules and saw 4 sucks and they are right. they never said that the guys that wrote feast are brilliant and the guys that wrote saw 4 are idiots. more than just good writing goes into making a good film.


Or, if, say, he did always make good food as far as you were concerned. And you said that and ate something and went, "Wow, this is great! Unlike that !@#$ over there that I tried."

And it turns out he made the !@#$ over there, too.

What you're saying then makes a lot less sense.

why does that make less sense? i could see if it was the same food in both places. just cause some guy can cook a killer chicken dinner doesn't mean he can cook steak.

for example, Quentin Tarantino. i loved reservoir dogs and true romance, but i also hated kill bill and jackie brown.


"this is not what anyone said originally."

I never said it was. I was pointing out a potential flaw within the logic.

"they said that feast rules and saw 4 sucks and they are right."

That's not exactly what anyone said (although it's close) and there's no rational standard by which to determine whether they are "right" or not in reference to an opinion, other than what they can back up as their preference.

"why does that make less sense? i could see if it was the same food in both places. just cause some guy can cook a killer chicken dinner doesn't mean he can cook steak.

for example, Quentin Tarantino. i loved reservoir dogs and true romance, but i also hated kill bill and jackie brown."

That makes less sense because if you say, "This guy always makes good food.", eat one thing and say, "Wow, this is great, unlike that !@#$ over there." and he made the !@#$ over there, too...you then negated the fact that he created the !@#$ food in your original assessment, possibly due to being unaware that he made the !@#$ food. Therefore, were someone to come along and say, "Hey, he made that !@#$ food, too." (which is more or less what I was doing), you might then decide to re-evaluate the situation.

And in relation to Tarantino...that may be the case...but you don't say, "Wow! Look at how good Reservoir Dogs and True Romance are based on their direction." (pointing out various things about it, as people pointed out various elements about the writing/storyline elements of Feast)...and then go, "At least it's not any of that Kill Bill and Jackie Brown stuff." (pointing toward that as the "bad end" of what can be done in the same regard without acknowledging that Tarantino even made those films - or acknowledging that he made those films as being the basis for judgment of one set as better than the other...or, if one does, one should then be able to, upon someone inquiring as to why they contrasted it against that...specify that those are the "good" Tarantino films in their view pitted against the "bad" ones from Tarantino).

So if you said you loved RD and TR and was glad they weren't crap (were you to think that) like KB and JB...and you didn't know they were directed by the same guy...

You're telling me it's wrong of someone to show up and go, "Uh...you may want to consider that KB and JB were directed by the same guy...so what you're saying isn't looking at the entire picture. That is not to say that it's wrong...but it leaves out addressing a major factor in its assessment."?

Because that's all I've been saying. And that stands perfectly well to reason, as far as I'm concerned, to have been pointed out.


My Signature Sucks.


ok man look your arguments are completely weak. i'm not sure what you are even talking about anymore. First off I used tarantino as an example because he wrote all those movies. he did not even direct true romance. Tony Scott did. your changing peoples point of view, not to mention words to try to make us realize what? That we are idiots for not liking the saw sequels and liking feast? who cares if the same person wrote them. Yeah great, thanks for pointing out that they were written by the same people. I before hand did not know that, however I still feel that Feast was well written and original, but i also feel that it was well acted, directed and edited. When I watch saw 4. i feel that it lacks a little of everything. the names of people involved do not always make a good movie. sometimes good people do bad things. plus i did not say this "This guy always makes good food." I said this guy makes great Chicken, but his steaks suck. ala Patrick Melton and Marcus Dunstan write really great horror/comedy like feast, but they are terrible at writing horror sequels that are already well past done enough. you know like the saw franchise.

"this is not what anyone said originally."

I never said it was. I was pointing out a potential flaw within the logic.

how can you use a view that nobody ever presented to show flaw in logical thinking.

now the original poster cut down movies like saw, hostel, tcm and and devils rejects. while talking up movies slither, feast and teeth. now while i liked hostel, tcm, devils rejects, feast and teeth and did not like either slither or saw. I am not going to go all seven degrees of bacon to tell that that their logic is flawed. that would be illogical.


Whether or not he directed it wasn't the point. The point was he was involved in it. I didn't think he had directed it (as I am aware the amount of films he's directed is "limited", to a degree), but I said that anyway because I view him as a director first and foremost. That was my error.

"your changing peoples point of view, not to mention words to try to make us realize what? That we are idiots for not liking the saw sequels and liking feast?"

What are YOU talking about? I was never saying anyone was an idiot or that anyone should like the Saw sequels if they like Feast. You clearly weren't listening (reading) in the first place and THAT'S why you perceive my supposed "arguments" as weak and don't know what I'm talking about anymore.

"the names of people involved do not always make a good movie. sometimes good people do bad things."

Both true.

"plus i did not say this 'This guy always makes good food.' I said this guy makes great Chicken, but his steaks suck."

So? What I stated was to define the point made toward the entire thread which is what you were pushing against despite it not being what you seemingly think it to mean - THAT phrasing was not toward you, specifically. It was clarifying to you the point made toward those in the thread which you then took a stance against.

"how can you use a view that nobody ever presented to show flaw in logical thinking."

That's why it said "potential"...

You yourself said you didn't know they were written by the same people. I felt this might be an oversight when commenting on the superiority of the plot/constructs/writing in one but discounting it in relation to the other and that some might like to be aware of that or might like to include that in the formation of their opinions if they hadn't already done so.

"I am not going to go all seven degrees of bacon to tell that that their logic is flawed. that would be illogical."

I may be a fan of the Saw films, but my intention in this thread was never to "support Saw" or push my opinion on anyone (as that's the implication I get from you seeming to think I'm telling people off for not liking the Saw films). It was simply to inform people that to say, "These elements written into the film are so much better than these elements from things such as this series." (which was the implication of a lot of what was said) was potentially a statement made without understanding that the same people wrote the latter ones.

Not that that meant the latter were good or the first were good or either was bad or one had to like the first if they liked the second or vice versa.

Don't be so defensive about it. I was just pointing it out to the thread as something to consider...and yet you've made a sort of tirade against me as though I was saying, "Screw all of you! Saw is amazing!"...which is never what I said and isn't something I WOULD say as I am fully aware people have differing opinions of the same thing and can do so for valid reasons on either perceived side ("good" or "bad" or "liked it" or "didn't like it").

So just...don't jump to conclusions about me trying to force my view onto others just because so many on IMDb seem to. That's not what I was doing at all.

I try to promote understanding and debate and it more or less gets me told off for trying to contribute something of potential note to a conversation?

Geez...I didn't know someone would be so hostile toward the suggestion that people may want to consider something related to the topic at hand.


My Signature Sucks.


Saw IV, V and VI are written by the same guys who wrote Feast.

Well, thank you. Someone has finally explained why Saw's quality took a huge nosedive. ;-)


Well, thank you. Someone has finally explained why Saw's quality took a huge nosedive. ;-)

If I was going to blame someone for issues with the latter Saw films, I'd blame the producers. Even Saw III, which some still hold up as "great" in relation to the "original trilogy," had a lot of loose ends and "confused" storytelling devices - and these writers weren't involved in that, although it continued for the films that followed. So I assume the producers "meddling" to make a series out of it with interlocking pieces and all - after seeing the success of Saw II - is likely at least a major part of the problem.

The blame these writers take should possibly be secondary.


A lot of forum posters need to grow up and learn that truly conveying a viewpoint is admirable.


I totally agree. I loved this movie! It's one of my top creature-feature movies.

"I've not tripped out like this since I ate that blotter acid at Bible camp."


Im not agree. I rated this film with 2/10

Last seen
Sleuth (2007) - 7/10


I think 6.4 is probably pretty good for a movie not alot of people have probably seen.

I thought it was pretty good entertainment myself.

Let's put it like this... I've seen alot worse...


Take note:

The Feast writers wrote Saw IV and Saw V and are writing Saw VI.

Therefore...your argument which seems to rail against the Saw series, yet praise various elements written for this film...is a little shaky. Not saying it's invalid. Just...not particularly good, since they've got the same writers.


My Signature Sucks.


"movies that are random, senseless deaths with no creativity whatsoever"
Ok.The Op should know that the original 'Saw' is nothing if not for its originality and creativity as the Op would like to put it.

Neways i think its pretty juvenile to go ga-ga over a movie that u love and trash some other decent movies with some random baseless argument. Now go shake ur head in disbelief.



I agree that score is way too low

this is a seriously fun movie

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...



It's an appropriate rating.

Boycott movies that involve real animal violence! (and their directors too)
