
My little brothers always like Alien movies, but he wants to watch Alien Abduction. I'm writting to ask you if there's LOTS of nudities. If there in, I will not buy it.


There is some nudity, but, if you're worried about your little brother seeing nudity then I guess you may be concerned about him seeing disembowelment, women being injected with alien semen and graphic lobotomies.

Don't buy this film, it's really really really really bad. And not in a good way, just in a bad way.


This is a pretty gory flick and as with all of these low budget genre picks there are the two or three obligatory nude scenes.

The other viewer believes that the film is not worth watching and says to watch Aliens or the Abyss instead. Well of course those two films are much better, they each had tens of millions of dollars, hundreds of artists and craftsmen and many many months to shoot. Alien Abduction was shot in a week on the price of a couple of cars (nice big cars). So, you can't compare the two. If you like psycological thrillers in the guise of ultra low budget b-horror movies then you may like this film. The reviews are 80% great, and the people who really like it (me for example) are big fans.

"Like a David Lynch film after entirely too much acid"
-E-Film Critic

By the way, the director's cut is 100 times better than the one that was released. Better sound, better music and more weired post production effects (color gels and fish eye lenses and things). Unfortunately it is not available at video stores.

Hope you enjoy the flick.
