Is The Mayor Actually Evil?

I love this show.

When I first started watching it I just assumed that the mayor was a buffoon and a fool, but an overall friendly guy. He would unintentionally wreak havoc and be oblivious to the damage he was causing, not from some malicious intent but merely out of his cluelessness. But as I watched more, it seemed to me that there was something very deliberate about the mayor's actions. It almost seems like he is some sort of untouchable overlord of Jefferton, and he manipulates the people and events around him in a deliberate attempt to cause chaos for his own sick amusement while playing the fool.

I also started to feel that there is something more to Jefferton. Possibly it is a personal Hell for Thom P. Tiers, where he is doomed to make the same mistakes over and over, never learn from anything, and be continually humiliated and disgraced for all eternity. Then the show became disturbing and depressing, but still hilarious on a level all its own.

Anybody else feel this way, or have some other insights to share?
