Miike does it again!

I'm only about 13 or 14 movies into the Miike catalog and every single one i have watched has been completely different (so far).

This movie is wonderful! This is the first I have viewed with so many special effects and while some of them aren't the best, the story and characters are top notch as they are with every movie I have watch from him. He really makes you care for the good guys and hate the bad guys...unless he wants to to care for them...and then you do if you want to or not!

Next on my list is Young Thugs:Innocent Blood. I started it and so far it's my least favorite but I'm only about 30 minutes into it. I'm sure by the time I'm done, I will have a different opinion although I have heard that with his schedule, some of his works do tend to be filler, but i have yet to see one of those IMO.

well done Takashi Miike. thank you for all you have done.

Brian, there's a message in my AlphaBits. It says "OOOOOO".
Peter, those are Cheerios.


Indeed it was good film . I would of really , really loved it if I saw it when I was younger .


miike is indeed great at what he does, and
that is making great movies.
