MovieChat Forums > The Messengers (2007) Discussion > What the F was going on?

What the F was going on?

Can someone just explain what the F was going on?



Me too please. I love horror films, but not today's dumbed down scary films that try to 'scare' the viewer with sudden, loud sounds and this was one of them.

Sadly I rented this on AppleTV, wish I hadn't know because I hadn't a clue what was remotely going on. It's a shame because it actually looked good, going by the trailers.

(\___/)This is Bunny! Put him on your
(='.'=)signature to help him gain
(")_(")world domination



Pretty much Burwell went insane and murdered his family because they were trying to leave him or something. They were the spirits that Jess was seeing throughout the farm. Burwell never left the farm and when Jess' family moved in, they reminded him of the family he killed. He then became insane again, having flashbacks to his first family, and attacked Jess'.

Ben couldn't speak because he and Jess were in a car accident because Jess was drinking.

Hope that helps a bit.


it does, thx. :)


IMDb poster "dazfx1" wrote:

I love horror films, but not today's dumbed down scary films that try to 'scare' the viewer with sudden, loud sounds and this was one of them.

That is the problem with the Pang Brothers who directed this film. They just wanted to generate cheap scares but paid no attention whatever to scriptwriting. Here, they just wanted to establish that the house was haunted but did not even bother to tell the back-story clearly. (Did the bad guy lose the house? Why did his wife want to leave him? Did the bad guy remember the murders? How was he able to move around in a small town without being recognized, etc.?)

They didn't bother to tell the story about Kristen's family either. How did some guy who lost his life savings in Chiago suddenly acquire farming skills? And what did they do after moving to the farm? Didn't Kristen go to school? Did she know anyone else other than the basketball kid?

Now I begin to wonder if the directors ever had a script at all.


Such a sloppy film. I've been meaning to watch this, literally for years, and now I feel so cheated by the Pang brothers for just throwing this together without a care for any detail whatsoever.

Roy wasn't kidding in an early scene when he said he would have the farm up and running in a couple of days - he grew an entire season's crop of sunflowers and his son didn't age a day!
