What a disappointment!

I'm a HUGE fan of Simon Pegg (SPACED, SHAUN OF THE DEAD, HOT FUZZ), so I was really looking forward to this movie! What a waste. It was badly written, cliched and not at all funny. I think I may have chuckled once (maybe twice). There was nothing in the script explaining why the girl was ever attracted to Pegg's character. He had no visible redeeming characteristics -- loser all the way. Why Pegg wasted his talents on this drivel is beyond me.


I couldnt agree more. I think I might have been looking forward to it too much after his other films.

Major let down. Not the worst film ever but could have been so much better.


I think you should try to go into movies not expecting anything great, that way you will never be disappointed.

xoxo Dee <33
Michael Johns=
Travis.Pasha.Neil.Mark. SYTYCD <3


Good theory but if I thought all films were poor/average beforehand then I wouldnt want to pay to go to see them.

Have you seen the film, what did you think ?


Yeah, true. I don't know. I try not to expect anything AMAZING, just if it seems interesting, I'll go watch it.
Like right now I want to see Twilight, because I love the book.
But I know it is not going to live up to it's expectations. :(

xoxo Dee <33
Michael Johns=
Travis.Pasha.Neil.Mark. SYTYCD <3



I was expecting this movie to be not so good, and when I rented it, I liked it. A little lesson to not make your expectations so high.



The minute I saw Schwimmer in the credits I knew it wasn't going to be as good as I hoped.

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