favorite Quote

whats your favorite quote from the movie?


probably where the reporter asks Dennis "so, how do you feel?" at the end of the marathon to which Dennis replies "how the f@ck do you think I feel?" - hilarious


lmao that's my favorite one to!


"He deliberately tripped him. BASTARD."

"Do you know what they did after the landlord killed Dennis Doyle? They gave him a medal."


My Fav Line?

*knock* *knock*

Dennis ?

WOOOOOWW !! You .... Look .... GREAT ! Il just give you a minute, to, uhh, give you a minute!

You See That ?!
They throwing cars how could i not see that - Bad Boys 2



"Keep your hands out of the 'scrotal zone' while you're at work!"


'That was the second most disgusting fluid I've ever had in my eye'

That made me laugh.

Also before where Dennis says 'I swear that's never happened before'


"second most disgusting fluid." Hilarious! I'm still lol


Dennis "I mean, the guy runs marathons!"
Gordon "Why?"
Dennis "EXACTLY"

Made me laugh so much! Especially as my family has a few marathoners and long distance runners in it and that's a common reaction we get when
we say run!

Poor Mathis...


i liked:

"That was the second most disgusting body fluid to get on my face!"

I also had to pause the movie i was laughing so hard near the beginning when the mom asks Jake if he's ready to go, and he says "yeah" even though he's only wearing undies, funny ears, and fuzzy slippers.


YES! That's my favorite quote, too! It should be in the "Memorable Quotes" section.


I love when Danny, in a horrified voice, asks "Why?!?" about running. Later, Gordon does the same thing and Danny is in complete agreement with him. I just can't remember the exact quote from either scene. Can anyone help me out? It's not in the "Memorable Quotes" section and I think it should be. It made me roar with laughter!
Thanks for any help!


One of the ones that always makes me laugh is at the end of the race when the sports commentator is getting increasingly hysterical, and is almost screaming something like 'apparently that is his son! I didn't know he had a son! Did you know he had a son?!!'

Plus, not a quote I know, more a favourite moment, any scene with Dylan Moran getting his ass out always raises a smile!!

But the biggest laugh out loud moment for me has to be the crap girly fight between Dennis and Gordon! It probably says something of me but I find few things funnier than men fighting really badly!


Yea the "I didn't know he had a kid!?!?" one was great, I liked it a lot to. The guy sounded so shocked and was completely caught up.

"Cool will get ya dead." -Former NBA Power Forward, Karl Malone


I really like:

Jake: She looks like a tree frog.
Dennis: Well, that's not a very nice thing to say.
Jake: I like tree frogs.

It's a sweet moment.


best quote is when the son is controlling the hospital bed and whit asks him if he could control the bed and the son says
' no, but you can watch me control it ' that was best quote i thought


Mine has got to be right after Dennis took the spin class with Whit and he goes to chill out with Gordon and his poker buddies, right when they start talking about Dennis running the marathon:

Gordon: If Dennis thinks he can run the race, he can run the race!
Everyone: yeah right no way!
Dennis: Why not?
That one Jamaican dude: Cuz you is a lazy bastard!!

His accent was hilarious :-P.

My $0.02.


'The only serious relationship I've been in ended in a broken collarbone and a dead meerkat.'

I can't believe no one had yet mentioned that one.


"but most of all, I miss all the humping"

had me falling over laughing... Mr. G rocked!

I also love the Gordon/Dennis chat about why Libby still hates him

"well you left her at the alter, pregnant"

"Yes but that was AGES ago!"

"women tend to remember those kind of things" Paraphrasing, o'course!



Near the end with Simon Pegg on the floor, and someone says something like, "it looks bad, get up". And I thought, yep it all looks bad give it up.


"How much further?"

"Just a tiny little nine miles to go."
