if you want to laugh...

Danny Devito & Kathy Bates are sooo funny in this movie--I wish people would stop trying to over anyalyze everything and just enjoy the movie for what it is -- entertainment!! Who cares if some parts were predictable-- that made it all the more funny as you waited to see how they were going to play out the scene! This cast was amzing and they all played their parts to a T! Although, Danny & Kathy stole the movie!! Their depictions of country bumpkins was just brilliant! Anyone who saw this movie and did not laugh out loud needs to see it again !! You missed the entire point -- this is fun entertainment!!! Its so refreshing to see a movie that you can just enjoy for what it is and not walk out trying to figure out the deeper meaning of whatthe movie was really about. SEE THIS MOVIE IF YOU WANT TO LAUGH!!!
