Going to be released?!

This was a prettttyyyy bad flick. Saw it for free in a preview a very long time ago. Even with editing I don't see how they're going to make this any better...It's like a cheesy, omelette version of Meet the Parents.


ahmm...how can you say that it´s not better with editing? you just saw the first version didn´t you?


I said even WITH the editing, I don't THINK it will be any better, because the version I saw was a rough cut.

And even WITH the editing, I don't think it'll be all that great.


I didn't think it was like Meet the Parents at all, except that it was written by the same guy. I still say the movie was a lot of fun, nothing great but it had a lot of really funny things and the audience I saw it with loved it. So few comedies today actually make me laugh but this one did. Like most comedy, it's probably not for everyone's taste but if you watch the trailer, I think that pretty much shows you what the movie's like. I hope it gets a theater release in America.


Not exactly like Meet the Parents...More like Meets the Parents turned on its head. Hence the omelette, or if you prefer, scrambled eggs reference.


Well, it's on Comedy Central tonight.

*shakes head in shame*
