MovieChat Forums > Relative Strangers (2006) Discussion > is this movie really that bad?

is this movie really that bad?

it sure has an awesome cast. imdb is doing it alphabetically, so i dont know the billing order...but ron livingston, michael mckean, bob odenkirk, emo phillips, devito, ed begley jr...seems like the movie could be about anything and it'd still be good.


it´s actually really funny - i don´t think it´s a bad movie...sure it´s independent and you can see it but that doesn´t matter . and the cast is perfect, especially danny devito! he´s so funny damn good in this movie!! still laugh my a** off


No, I don't think so. I have seen much worse movies and comedies that had less fun in them well distributed and promoted. However, I can understand the hesitations of the distributors. 'Relative Strangers' plays in a genre that has already squeezed all the juice, and makes no attempt to be something different.

Yet, the premises are good. What if you are a successful writer of self-control books and you found two weeks before your marriage with gorgeous Neve Campbell that your true parents are not the high-class couple that raised you but Danny DeVitto and Kathy Bates, a popular circus pair of failed clowns, throwing bad jokes and inheriting you nothing but a bunch of hereditary diseases?

Unfortunately, this is more or less where the fun of the movie stops. The rest is so predictable that you could have written the script yourself. Ron Linvingston is as funny as an evening news broadcaster, DeVitto and Campbell do their expected act, and only Kathy Bates is really funny and looks comfortable in her role, but this is not enough. Casting the stars is not enough for good comedy, you need something more in ideas and craziness which is definitely missing here.


You know what it is for me, Danny Devito and Kathy Bates were so over the top, but to me that made it more annoying than funny. I agree to with the part about it being very predictable, which it was. I just really don't remember laughing. I assume were supposed to laugh at how crazy Danny Devito and Kathy Bates, but like I said, they got more annoying by the minute. All the comedy moments had all been done before, the bad hair piece, the old couple having sex, the silly last name (Gaylord Focker, this movie its Manure, yeah like horse manure). Adn what has happened to the hot Beverly D'Angelo from the Vacation movies, she's turning into Kathleen Turner before our eyes. Her voice is deeper than mine now. I would probably give this a 3.5, and thats just becasue I like Ron Livingston from his Office Space days


I thought DeVito and Bates were very funny so I guess that's the deciding factor in whether you like this film or not. They were a little over the top but it's not a drama. I suppose if Sideways is your idea of a hilarious comedy, you might not like this. Beverly D'Angelo IS turning a little Kathleen Turner-ish but she was great as Neve Campbell's Mom-she should lay off the cigs, though. Some films are brilliant and exactly true to life and some are just silly and fun to watch, like this one.


Please. This film is a complete waste of time. It’s embarrassing to watch such fine actors become reduced to hollow, bumbling fools because of poor writing and editing.

There is nothing funny about this movie. It’s quite sad… and made me feel dirty inside for the 25 minutes that it infected my living room.


I thought it was quite good,devito and bates carry the film and they were good.I'm not a big devito fan so i was pleasantly surprised.The script is predictable but better than a lot of crap nowadays.


Thank you. I assumed as much. THere were like 70 copies of this at Blockbuster (and right next to it, only about 10 of "SherryBaby", which I ended up renting instead. I thought "Danny Devito, Kathy Bates....could be good but it sure looks bad". I'll avoid this one.


The actors do a great job (especially Devito), but the script itself is just... blah.



This movie sucked. It is only the second movie I couldn't finish.
What were the actors even thinking when agreeing to do this?
I should have asked for my money back!


Yes, the film is really that bad. Great combination of cast members. However, the film is so predictable, that it warranted a fast-forwarding on my part. Would enjoy the same cast in a comedy with a little more substance.


I thought the story was basically the same ol' same ol', and I'd seent this same storyline dozens of times. That being said, I think it's still more funny than not, and hilarious in a couple of scenes. I thought the actors all did a great job with a fairly routine storyline, and Livingston, DeVito & Bates were very good here. I also found it amusing to see a movie that actually parodied the "ultra-left-wing-liberal" type (VERY rare, if not unheard of, in Hollywood).


The simple, honest answer to your question: YES. It is that bad.


I'm watching it right now, and I must say, it's pretty good so far. I've never heard of it before, but the cast is great, so I thought I'd give it a shot. Some laugh out loud scenes, and some really great characters (Odenkirk, Devito) but I'm afraid because I can almost tell where it's going...I've seen movies like this before, and they're never good in the long run.

For example, I remember one movie like this with Drew Barrymore and Ben Stiller, where they share a house with an elderly woman (can't remember the title, and don't really want to), who keeps irritating them. It started out good eough--plenty of laughs, and cute and endearing characters--but it spiralled into a horrid story about the two trying to kill her off. The outcome was a total trainwreck of a movie.

I'm still going to give this the benefit of the doubt, though I may regret it...


I watched it last night, and laughed by butt off! It wasn't a great movie but it certainly wasn't the worst movie, either. It was definitely entertaining! Ron Livingston was adorable and him...


Yeah, it was really good. It was funny throughout, and the ending was great. I wonder why I've never heard of it before.


I liked it. It's not meant to be great. It's just silly, over the top comedy. I loved the dream sequence.


I was at Movie Gallery yesterday, and it was on sale. I thought, "Hmm...Danny DeVito, Kathy Bates and Neve Campbell are in this, but I've never even heard of it..." I gave in and bought it. It wasn't bad at all.

I mean I woke up on this Saturday morning and didn't feel like getting out of bed, so I put the DVD in and watched it. That's the best I can explain it... It'a a light comedy to just watch on a Saturday morning or rainy day.

And I disagree about the cast being somewhat boring...They're really what kept me into it.

