MovieChat Forums > Relative Strangers (2006) Discussion > were they really his parents...

were they really his parents...

lol..we are just watching it ... and i'm wondering
(The sky will cry the blackest tears tonight)


Yeah, weird, huh? Danny Devito and Kathy Bates are Ron Livingston's real life biological parents, so then they decided to make a movie about it.


LOL - Very amusing.
The first sentence of his bio reads: Ron Livingston was born on June 5, 1968, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. His father is an aerospace engineer and his mother is a Lutheran minister.


I just thought it was an odd question. Why would someone ask that?


I think she was asking because in the movie they tell Ron's character that they aren't his real parents.

"The superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions." ~Confucius~


Ohh, I "get" it now. My bad. Okay, I am shamed now. I shall retire to bedlam. I love you.

Wavy G


They were his real parents. Thats why that button that was inside her locket matched the bear he was found with. Saw it coming a mile away!


Why would you go to a message board in the middle of a movie and ask a question that will most likely be answered in less than half an hour in the movie itself? I'm really at a loss here.


I've just started watching the movie about 5min ago and was woundering how it ended.

Just Kidding

"Oh yeah this just keeps getting better and better"-Brendan Fraiser The Mummy
