'Why wasn't he critical?'

Um, maybe because that wasn't the point of the film... the idea was discussing what it's like to be a drastic political minority in a town and industry overrun by your ideological opposites. Maybe you, Mr. Eisenberg, want every political "documentary" to be a Moore/Greenwald anti-Republican slimefest from a radical left-wing point of view... please excuse Jesse Moss for daring to challenge your mindset.

No such thing as tolerance anymore, right kids?



I agree.

I noted the part, "as we might assume that they sit around ranting all day". I am proud to be part of the "they". I have seen many liberal rants. He was probably trying to put us down on his/their level.


"as we might assume that they sit around ranting all day".

Yes I found that line odd too. We tend to calmly discuss our points of view. Very few of us actually rant. And the ones who do, do so to make a show of themselves. Typically to boost ratings and/or book sales. I find the practice distasteful myself, but to each their own.


I wish the opposite: Why not be critical of liberals who attack you and shout you down if you are different than they are. Hollywood Rebulicans seem very tolerent of Hollywood liberals, but when 'Babs' finds out you are not just like her, you can kiss your career good bye, no matter how good you are at your profession.

I want to be a liberal, but they are just the most hateful bunch.


I don't think "Babs" has that kind of control to shut down a persons career. However, add her to the other power democrats in hollywood you have a formidible power working for you. Kinda makes you wonder if some celebrity are just saying they ae liberal just to hold on to and better their careers.


Im a independent film director and I personally would be considered "liberal" and I voted for Kerry. Yet I dont cast based on any politcs. I mean it is a trend in this society to say your for something or a lot of things in most cases, but its what you do that defines you, not what you say you are for or against. What im saying is that to think you can figure someone out by looking at their politics and know who they are as a person is bad. But as a liberal I find discrimination of any sort offending. And this debate of actors in hollywood is only worsend by people on both sides that cause the generalized characatures of the both sides to be perpetuated.

