Why the high score?.

I saw the trailer for this movie some time ago and thought it looked interesting - I finally got round to watching it earlier and was massively disapointed. The whole movie was pinned on one joke - i.e. a straight laced american guy finding himself in an alien culture.

The plot is a little rushed and predictable and the running theme is tiresome as the film doesnt really move on.

I am genuinely interested to understand what people find so entertaining about this movie...



It's a charming fish out of water/ romantic comedy.

It stands as a breath of fresh air amongst today's quick cut, car chase, killer robot, vampire teen, overly loud, lens flair sodden Hollywood foolishness we see all the time.

Also the film does move on, it's just subtle. The bored, down trodden Todd learns some aspects of life he had overlooked in the past and learns to live and take pleasure in the now.

It's a simple film. However, simple does not mean bad or boring.

Hope this helps you.


LOL it doesn't have any vampires in it so it's boring LMAO That just about sums it up for some of us. I enjoyed it and for some reason I can't seem to stay awake during the vampire love stories.


Being shot in India buys it a few extra points--there is nothing special about the story or lead character, he and the story are somewhat annoying and predictable.

If you want a funny culture clash work environment movie try 'Gung Ho'

If you want a fish out of water story that's clever and funny try any season of 'Northern Exposure'


I felt it was refreshing, but still by no means a great movie. If I had to give it a letter grade, I'd give it a C (which just happens to correspond to a 7/10 in most scales).

In fact, when I was watching this, I thought to myself ,"This is most definitely a 'C' grade movie- not amazing but also not resorting to low brow humor, which is kind of nice". I was surprised to see that it was ranked the same by the users and metacritic, which was kind of mind-boggling.

Officer, I saw the driver who hit me. His name was Johnny Walker


To each their own, but I thought it was a great movie, that had something different than every other movie out there. It was refreshing, as others put it. If you don't like it, that's fine, but I think it got a high rating because it was a great movie that many people enjoyed. Not all, but many.
