MovieChat Forums > Get Smart (2008) Discussion > In the Parachute Scene......:S

In the Parachute Scene......:S

I just watched Get Smart again on TV and the scene bothered me. When Agent 99 (Anne Hatheway) launched out of the plane to rescue Max (Steven Carwell) her parachute deployed but then The Big Assassin Guy (The Great Khali WWE Wrestler) cut her parachute with a knife. Then Agent 99 cut his parachute with a knife then later all 3 of them were wrestling around in the air and Agent 99 said "Are you crazy!? if I dont pull my chute youll die too!" her chute was cut by the Asassin so does that mean she was wearing 2 Parachutes because Max didnt grab his? or does her Parachute have 2 Chutes or something? anyone? :S


She was wearing two chutes. There were two in the airplane bathroom and she put them both on.


There are always two parachutes to a 'pack'. The main chute, and a 'reserve' chute in case of emergency.
Such as having a KAOS agent slice your main chute up. ;)


Gotcha I was thinking there was a spare chute so makes me wonder why the assassin just didnt pull his lol


He cut the chute that was already out which left the other one unharmed. She cut into his pack ruining both chutes in one slice.


Whew! For a minute there I thought someone had found a technical flaw in this movie.

I feel better now.


A technical flaw in this movie? Naw... Everyone knows you can survive falling out of a plane by landing on a farm animal, that is... after slamming through the roof of a barn...


Naw no technical flaws. They really seemed to know A LOT about gravity as agent 99 is able to save Steve carell minutes after he firsts pluments to the ground from the lavatory of the aircraft. She obviously has magical powers that can propel her faster than gravity. NO TECHNICAL FLAWS AT ALL!!!!! (I really hope you were joking or you deserve to have your fingers severed so you can never type on this message board again).
