MovieChat Forums > Karla (2006) Discussion > sickening..somewhat


this movie is terrible in the way that is makes karla look like a victim..she did all of those things its on tape..she is as evil as paul..and yet shes out on parole..justice...where are you?


I agree! The movie made her out to be the victim, which is the only thing I didn't like about the movie. That's the first thing I said when I left the movie theatre. She's just as much to blame as Paul. She'll get what's coming to her eventually.

Smile:)! It's the second best thing to do with your lips! :)


She's been out of jail this long, no one has killer her. I'm sure she'll go on living. Did you know she has A CHILD OF HER OWN now?


It's disgusting! That poor child! That baby needs to be taken away from her!

Smile:)! It's the second best thing to do with your lips! :)


the baby will prolly get drugged and raped cuz hey thats cool you can only go 2 jail for like 8 years for that and then have a movie about how you were abused and were a victim.. even in the movie its funny how she does it and the director STILL tries to make you feel sorry for *beep* that who the hell drugs there sister for there husband 2 rape..sick very sick.


Well, fortunately, most people understand that KILLING IS WRONG. So yeah, she'll go on living.


yeah okay guys...when you're beaten to with an inch of your life on a weekly basis.....then try to talk like you know what youre talking about. the survival insticnt will make you do weird things


You're awefully brave to defend her, if it was one of your daughter's that was killed, would you still be saying that?


splooch29 have you actually took the time to learn about the case? She was a cold blooded killer the only reason she didn't get life like her husband is because she played the victim and the jury believed that she wouldn't have done any of these things if she wasn't under the influence of her husband. After she was sentenced new evidence came into light and people learned that she was just as evil as her husband.
I haven't actually seen this movie but I've heard from a lot of people that it makes her look like she was innicient and helpless, I really hope that people take the time to learn the real case.


I agree. And sadly I think it is very typical of cases like this, that when a woman is JUST as evil and insidious and deplorable as a man...she is still put into the face of being the constant "victim." Most of these instances always seem to find SOME way of making it seem as though the female was pushed or brainwashed or threatened into doing these sickening things.

I have seen many movies that do this and no matter WHAT the woman is portrayed as a victim....for instance Monster.

Great example along with this movie.

YES, in spite of feminist say, women CAN be evil and do awful things to other people simply because they are psychopathic and cruel. It dosen't always have to do with some passed abuse, incest, rape...whatever. Even if someone is screwed up from certain events in their life, that dosen't excuse their behaviour or choices to inflict pain on others. I really get tired of that mentality of our society. And before I get the "Well as a man YOU wouldn't understand..." lecture..I am female and feel that when women are put in a role of always being the poor little victim that is led into bad things, it dosen't help women and it dosen't make us look "strong" or help us to advance any. It sets us back and forces into an idea that we need to be looked after and monitored and treated with kid's gloves throughout our lives.

If you do something horrendous to another person, male or female, you need to pay for that crime. You punishment SHOULD never be based on is totally unjust he got life and she got fifteen years and is now out enjoying her life as if nothing happened...simply based on that she is female.

That is reverse sexism and just another form of unfair biased. It sickens me.

Saint: A dead sinner, revised and edited.


i would commit suicide or let myself be killed before drugging my baby sister for my husband to rape. no amount of abuse could force me to betray my own INNOCENT flesh and blood that way. she is human waste and should be rottng in jail, not procreating new psychos.


she DID rot in jail. FOR 12 long years. Have you ever spent 12 years in jail? They seem more like 50 years. Jail is a BAD place. 12 years in jail is not like being confined to Martha Stewart's house for 12 years, exactly. Karla has been sufficiently punished for her participation in the murders. She's not human waste. She's a person just like you. Her mistake was falling in love with the wrong person. It could happen to anybody. Once you fall DEEPLY in love with someone, you do things that ordinarily you wouldn't do. Now, I agree with you that she went along with Paul FAR TOO LONG but, i said, LOVE does that to some people...Fortunately, most people wouldn't have kept on going like she did but there are a handful of people who would. Put it this way. If Karla had never met Paul, Tammy would still be alive today. Karla is NO KILLER - PAUL was the killer.


okay... so what happens if poor, innocent, abused karla meets another paul type?

does that mean she's still a victim?

tell me how many abused women allow - no, FACILITATE - their husbands to rape their little sisters, then go along on a killing spree, clearly laughing and enjoying themselves ON VIDEO?

why don't you ask the families of the girls karla helped - and yes, she did help - rape, torture, and kill, all on video for later enjoyment? somehow i bet they'd say karla is just as responsible as paul.

and i bet you would too, if you'd been one of those girls.


she DID rot in jail. FOR 12 long years.

Having birthday parties, playing on swingsets, having a lesbian lover, playing with kittens, getting dressed up in pretty dresses, having a computer, and sunbathing is not my idea of jail.

12 years would not be enough if she spent it staring at a wall.


Having birthday parties, playing on swingsets, having a lesbian lover, playing with kittens, getting dressed up in pretty dresses, having a computer, and sunbathing is not my idea of jail.

12 years would not be enough if she spent it staring at a wall.

You forgot her in jail relationship with a guy in there for killing his girlfriend.

Oh, yes. She's just a victim who is a horrible judge of character.


And getting a free university degree from one was of the most respected schools in Canada. Kill again, Karla and your Masters degree at the tax payers expense.


she DID rot in jail. FOR 12 long years. Have you ever spent 12 years in jail? They seem more like 50 years. Jail is a BAD place. 12 years in jail is not like being confined to Martha Stewart's house for 12 years, exactly. Karla has been sufficiently punished for her participation in the murders. She's not human waste. She's a person just like you. Her mistake was falling in love with the wrong person. It could happen to anybody. Once you fall DEEPLY in love with someone, you do things that ordinarily you wouldn't do. Now, I agree with you that she went along with Paul FAR TOO LONG but, i said, LOVE does that to some people...Fortunately, most people wouldn't have kept on going like she did but there are a handful of people who would. Put it this way. If Karla had never met Paul, Tammy would still be alive today. Karla is NO KILLER - PAUL was the killer.

Karla? Is that you?




Can you retype everything you said, just in normal typing, not in capitals? I got as far as 'Consider' and my eyes died. I mean, I'm interested in this thing, so I'm interested in what you're saying, but I have no idea what it is that you're SCREAMING about.

I support Plimpies.



Yes she was beaten

Yes, but how often? The sex tapes showed that she didn't have a scratch on her (according to the jury who had to endure those wretched sex tapes). Paul beat her with a flashlight and THEN she went to the hospital and pled spousal abuse. It wasn't until Paul beat her that she went for help. She could have stopped it ALL ~ she was the one with the power to stop it instead of feeding into his sick fantasies. She did know right from wrong, correct? I mean is there a fine line between right and wrong when it comes to drugging your own sister to be raped by your boyfriend? Um, is there something I'm missing here that says that's okay to do? She was 20 years old when this took place. Old enough to know right from wrong.



when you're beaten to with an inch of your life on a weekly basis.....then try to talk like you know what youre talking about. the survival insticnt will make you do weird things

Nope, that explanation won't do ... first of all she WASN'T beaten within an inch of her life every week ~ she was beaten ONCE ... that's when she left Paul ... the videotapes showed no bruises on her body ... there's the evidence that she WASN'T beaten and secondly, seriously, your baby sister???? You'd have to kill me before I'd let someone touch my kid sister ... It was Karla's idea SHE got the halothane SHE held the rag over Tammy's face (obviously using way too much of the stuff enough to cause a huge burn on Tammy's face and to kill the poor kid ~ it's on tape). She had EVERY opportunity to leave him ~ EVERY DAY ~ she worked outside of the home, for crying out loud! She could have gone to her parents, showed them her bruises and they would've helped her.
She could have let Leslie & Kristen go, too, while Paul was out getting food for them. She is a sick monster not a victim. The movie is complete fiction told from Karla's warped perception of events.





I would have to disagree. She was totally and devistatingly in LOVE with Paul. Anything she did or might have done was totally due to her devotion to Paul She loved him and wanted him to be proud of her. I kinda think she might have been a little scared of him too, the way he beat the crap out of her. This really is nothing new. It's a phenomenon that has happened many times throughout history. There are some serial killers who have had accomplices who had a similiar feeling. Karla is passive. She's no killer. Her sister's death was an accident.Do you honestly think Karla would deliberately KILL her kid sister? Not hardly. It was an accident and it was Paul's fault. The only thing Karla is guilty of is not knowing WHERE to draw the line. She paid 12 years of her life in prison for that, which is plenty, I think. She's not a killer. Paul is and the jury agreed with me too. They gave Paul life in prison WITHOUT PAROLE.


i do not know what physical abuse is from a lover, admittedly. i am quite familiar, however, with emotional and verbal abuse.

i also know what it is like to have a little sister.

and i can tell you right *beep* now that if you held a gun to my head and a knife to my throat and said, "drug her so i can rape her" i would spit in your face and tell you to go to hell.

i don't think it is possible to participate in the vicious, depraved rapes and murders karla homolka participated in and walk out of jail 12 years later "normal". there is a seriously disturbed person inside her head and i don't think it's unlikely that someone else could bring that out in her.

she is manipulative and deceitful and helped to end the lives of completely innocent girls with their lives ahead of them.

but yeah. she totally ought to be living in a suburban neighborhood with a new child of her own. that's perfect.


The jurors may have agreed with you originially, as the courts of Canada did at first as well. When the tapes came to light, they were LIVID they gave her immunity. Absolutely LIVID. They were looking for ways to undo it because she's just as SICK And TWISTED as he was. A week after you "accidently" kill your little sister, you're dressing up as her for a sex tape? Now, I don't know about you, but I wouldn't be worried about having sex and dressing up like Tammy because that's what he wanted. I'd have been telling the cops the truth the first time out. And I am a woman that has been raped and battered, you could never get me to do something like that. She's seriously twisted as was noted when she was released after her time being served. That's why the courts set such stringent standards on her before they let her out.


The people who are defending her seem to be forgeting that it was not just Tammy they killed, it was at least three girls, and many many rapes, it could not have possibly just been Paul, if Karla wanted it to stop she could have called the police, or done somthing it wasn't as she was this usless nothing of a human being. Besides SHE was the one who got her sister drunk and brought her to Paul. And when the tapes came out people could finally see how sick and demented she was. It discusted me when I learned that she has a kid! I mean how can the goverment allow the child to stay with such a monster?!

And you people who are deffending her oviously didn't even bother to learn what really happened and just got your information from this stupid movie, its really really sad. If you knew the real case you would know that she was in fact a evil twisted woman, and in NO way a helpless victem!

I'm sorry about my spelling I'm in a rush!



I would have to disagree. She was totally and devistatingly in LOVE with Paul. Anything she did or might have done was totally due to her devotion to Paul She loved him and wanted him to be proud of her. I kinda think she might have been a little scared of him too, the way he beat the crap out of her. This really is nothing new. It's a phenomenon that has happened many times throughout history. There are some serial killers who have had accomplices who had a similiar feeling. Karla is passive. She's no killer. Her sister's death was an accident.Do you honestly think Karla would deliberately KILL her kid sister? Not hardly. It was an accident and it was Paul's fault. The only thing Karla is guilty of is not knowing WHERE to draw the line. She paid 12 years of her life in prison for that, which is plenty, I think. She's not a killer. Paul is and the jury agreed with me too. They gave Paul life in prison WITHOUT PAROLE.

Tammy's death was NOT an accident. An accident is something that is unavoidable. Tammy's death could have been avoided by simply NOT drugging your baby sister for your fiance to rape.

The jury agreed with you because they needed someone to pay for the murders of the girls and it was too late to make Karla pay because her case had been so royally screwed up.

Paul maintains to this day that Karla killed them. What has he got to gain from that? He's not getting out no matter what. How come the Scarborough Rapist didn't progress to murder until he hooked up with Karlycurls? Ever ask yourself that?

They are both equal scum. No victims there.


Unless you're restricting your comments to the movie-Karla instead of the real Karla, that's a rather naive perspective on the case apparently based upon nothing but this film which is NOTHING but fictionalised tripe. For one thing, Karla raped one of the girls with a bottle while Paul was out of the house. She was heavily into S&M even before she met Paul. Karla is NOT an innocent bystander. She is a sociopath. She has never expressed any remorse over what she did but considers herself a victim. None of her friends, who knew her well enough to know better, stuck by her. Her cellmates, whom she was more open with, know what a sick puppy she is. Karla even enjoyed her time in prison. Paul was merely a rapist before she came into his life. She facilitated him. And, as others have pointed out, no, the jury absolutely did not agree with you. The jury -- which had to witness a videotape of Karla getting turned on by the drugging and rape of her sister -- did NOT decide how to punish her. The Crown made a deal with her out of desperation (thanks to Paul's lawyer's obstruction of justice) and the judge went with it. I would suggest reading nonfiction accounts about her before making further comment. If you knew the facts, you would know how truly offensive your posts here are.




your a screw head.

Karla CHOSE who to get in a relationship with a psycho....takes one to know one..why would she be with a lunatic??

it's people like you, with that IDIOTIC way of rationale that are the scum of earth...

If I beat the crap out of YOU will you do anything I say???

I live to watch YOU die!!!


Arthur I would have to disagree. She was totally and devistatingly in LOVE with Paul. Anything she did or might have done was totally due to her devotion to Paul She loved him and wanted him to be proud of her. I kinda think she might have been a little scared of him too, the way he beat the crap out of her. This really is nothing new. It's a phenomenon that has happened many times throughout history. There are some serial killers who have had accomplices who had a similiar feeling. Karla is passive. She's no killer. Her sister's death was an accident.Do you honestly think Karla would deliberately KILL her kid sister? Not hardly. It was an accident and it was Paul's fault. The only thing Karla is guilty of is not knowing WHERE to draw the line. She paid 12 years of her life in prison for that, which is plenty, I think. She's not a killer. Paul is and the jury agreed with me too. They gave Paul life in prison WITHOUT PAROLE. Leigh Allen



The movie was a failure on so many levels. It increased the victimization of the murdered by failing to show Homolka for the heartless libertine she is. Anyone who has read the transcripts of the videos or seen the pictures of her bound and in flagrante, knows how low and sick this woman was. The failure to paint a true portrait may have to do with the actress reluctance (and possibly the filmaker) to expose the flesh. Extensive nudity and sexuality between her and the Bernado actor may have seemed gratuitous but in reality would have developed the character to the audience. As it was there was only what seemed like a little tittilation to bring the sheep into the Theatre. The real Karla is no one to be sided with and no one to feel sorry for.

The filmaker should be ashamed of this tattered rag of a picture.



They should have both been given the death penalty

End of story, good bye



They should have been sentenced to the rest of their lives loose with the rest of the prison population. Scare the *beep* out of them for the rest of their lives.

It's not like the girls got a shock and it was over.


and if not then they should have taken out her matriz, so she couldn't have any babies. that's quite sick, i guess she's waiting her own son/daughter to be 10 so she can rape him/her.... what a disgrace.

i wouldnt even have family, ask forgiveness until the last day of your life and move to the Tibet.

that just shows how sick she was, if they wouldnt got caught she would have continued her life like nothing happened and Paul probably would have ended up with some STD's or liver cancer for so much alcohol or crazy, or suiciced... but she? she was scarier.

And these things show you if you have a kid to tell them to not trust strangers, dude that's kinda sad =( tell them to fight until they died, poor these girls the way they died, at least in the movie it looked like they couldnt even defend themselves =(...

crazy world.


Actually, here is the reason she's on parole:

She made a deal with the police that is she told them everything about what had happened that she was get a break in her sentence. This was BEFORE the incriminating video tapes ever turned up and proved that she wasn't forced into participating. She recieved only 12 years because the deal was made before it was known how involved she was.


I remember reading when I was a kid about the things they found on the tapes..discusting things that she did with body parts (masterbation) was a key word. They had this on no offence but deal or no deal this is grounds for way more than what she got. I know and understand that Paul was the mastermind but having been in an extremely abusive situation no matter what he did to me there is no way I would have allowed him to force me to do anything remotely close to what she did.
I don't care how badly you were beaten into submission, morals still survive and the things that were done to holmolka's sister and the other two girls were disgusting and beyond words. How anyone can get off by simply saying "he made me do it" is the most disgusting example of our justice system.
As for dear old Paul...the sick*beep* gen pop works for me then us tax payers don't need to pay for that thing to go on breathing,,, I still agree with an eye for an eye maybe he should experience what he did to all those girls, only this time on the receiving end.
I appologise if I have offended anyone with my statement but this is my opinion, and wether it is agreeable or not it is still mine to voice.


No, what I'm saying is that she had signed a deal with the police to reveal everything before they found out that she was willingly going along with what he was doing. They made a deal with her that they couldn't go back on.


maybe people should read the account in the crime library before coming to any conclusions from what the saw in the movie




What Bothan said is exactly correct. She made a legally binding deal with the prosecutors prior to a lawyer being ordered to give up video evidence that showed her true role in the crimes. The courts could do nothing. I'm sure they if they had wanted to, but it would have opened up a can of worms legally. It was one of the biggest "black-eyes" given to the Canadian Justice system. This is one of the few times where I think a death sentence should have been carried out. She was the mastermind and driving force behind the couple's killings.

"Inside the dusters there were 3 men"..."So?"....."Inside the men there were 3 bullets" - d{^_^}b


The courts could do nothing.
Is that really true though? Part of the deal was that she had nothing to do with the death of any of the girls. The tapes showed that her actions did kill Tammy, making the deal void. They could have done a lot more than they did.

Today's been one of those days... You know... Full of zombies.
The Ducks got pounded.


Yeah. See, she had made this iron-clad deal with the prosecutor, and there was this rumor that there were these video-tapes, but no-one had proof and the cops thought that it was Bernardo just trying to take the focus off of himself. The attorney who had possesion of the tapes was contacted and finally forced to hand them over to authorities. It turned out that she had totally played the cops and courts. Her aggreement was for certain immunities "concerning the crimes", not for a specific charge per se, so they couldn't charge her with another offence in relation to the crimes. Plus, the double jeopardy thing. It was a huge screw-up by the justice system. I'm no expert, but they were both bad: He was the rapist, she was the killer.

"Inside the dusters there were 3 men"..."So?"....."Inside the men there were 3 bullets" - d{^_^}b


Another reason(not excuse) for the bungling was, you got to understand, at the time there had been this manhunt for the Scarborough Rapist(Bernardo) for years. There were pictures and sketches coming out that would be on TV and in the papers. There was this one sketch that was in every bus and subway in the city. So there was this huge hunt going on that Police wanted to solve, because every time someone got raped everyone worried about The Scarborough Rapist. NOW, AT THE SAME TIME(although starting later then the rapes), there was this search/crusade for the girls that had started to go missing- Kristen French and Leslie Mahaffy. These dissapearences were also a huge deal. The police didn't look great at the time and wanted to clear this up fast. Unfortunately, they ended up looking worse in their haste to convict before finding all the facts.

"Inside the dusters there were 3 men"..."So?"....."Inside the men there were 3 bullets" - d{^_^}b


Actually, I'm not %100 correct about the circumstances of the video-tape and the choice not to revoke the plea-bargain. I just read about them on wiki/, and they have facts regarding the two correct, so read there.

"Inside the dusters there were 3 men"..."So?"....."Inside the men there were 3 bullets" - d{^_^}b



I think that the movie portrayed the event as Karla would have told it. But, if you study it carefully it shows that Karla was really a disturbed woman. She just tried to make herself look like she was a victim. Laura Prepon did a good job underlying some sort of psychosis, as her portrayal of Karla Homolka. Sure it shows Karla being abused, but you have to remember Karla is telling the story. The psychiatrist was asking some valid questions as to why she didn't do this or that when Karla tried to make herself look innocent. And at the end he determined that Karla was a psycho if you read the scripts at the end of the movie. To me it's a movie about how an evil woman tries to paint herself as an angel, by putting all the blame on Paul.


Don't judge people because they did bad. There are some innocent people in Death Row right now and no one's doing sh!t. Blame the government.


I'm not mentally deranged in the least. You people have closed minds. I studied the case quite well, I was living in the area at the time. Tell you what, you get beaten close to death a few times, and see what you'll do to try and save your own life, what concessions you'll make. You people are brutal.


he never beat her until afterwards, she did that freaky sh** before the beatings began, I did a google and found this great group that is open-minded, watchingkarlahomolka board's purpose is to figure out why these things happen. oh yes, there is room on that board for the pro-karlas/anti-karlas, and the pro-leslie, pro-tammy and pro-kristin. not to mention the Jane Does who NEVER got any justice to what happened to them! we agree that this case was handled wrong, and we agree that it should be watched. some want to see her rehabilitated, and some just want her to get her own back.

tell us, if you studied the case so well, and were there at the time, how can you justify the deaths of young girls by being allegedly beaten into submission? this kind of debate is going on the WKH board. wonderful posters on there, so much information from books, actual transcrips, and letters written by the rape freak herself! the people on there show both sides of the story, THEY took the time to study and research the actual facts, plus provide proof and not heresay. I was just reading this interesting debate on the burns found on Tammy's face.

most of the posters on here are right, and some are just misinformed, read the actual facts, you'd be surprised what you learn really happened! At one time I hated that woman, I still dislike her, but reading what actually happened makes what she did a point. she did serve her time, but I think if she served a longer sentance, and proved that she took every program to rehabilate herself, then I think she wouldn't even be a topic of interest to anyone! oh yes, she claims the rehabilition programs were only for men, so she didn't take them, BUT look up what she did will make you go HHhhmmmmm........just sharing my thoughts and pointing to a good source of information (WKH)


Sorry but you are disturbed if you think anything could justify Karla's actions in everything.

Particularly since you lived in the area, as you claim, I bet you don't voice your opinions on this out loud to anyone you know.

Nobody in Ontario at least is buying anything about Karla's stated victimization. She is a sick, disturbed individual.


Tell you what, you get beaten close to death a few times, and see what you'll do to try and save your own life, what concessions you'll make. You people are brutal.

Um, she DIDN'T get beaten within an inch of her life. The one beating on record (the jury saw her naked on those horrid videotapes and there were no bruises on her) she made sure she went to the hospital. THAT'S when she FINALLY LEFT HIM ... when he turned on HER ...



She hadn't been beaten when she 'gave' Tammy to Paul as a present. You're very naive if you believe her crap. She is a sociopath at the very least and I've never seen her show a SHRED of remorse for her actions, even where her SISTER is concerned.


I'm not sure what goes on in Canada, but most deals are predicated upon people telling the truth. Once it was discovered that she'd lied, at the very least she could have been charged with perjury, obstruction of justice, and/or had the original deal revoked. But at that point Canadian officials CHOSE to do nothing further. Why is that?!!!

"Love isn't what you say or how you feel, it's what you DO". (The Last Kiss)


Maybe instead of getting mad over a movie Canadians should get mad over their deeply flawed criminal justice system.


We have maybe half a dozen memorable cases of flawed justice in the history of the entire country.... I think that our criminal justice system is pretty good.

You're making me--- you're making my stomach sick.


WOW... that is unbelievable... I truly hope Darwin finds her and removes her.

"Cause she's got a great ass... and you got your head all the way up it!" - Vincent Hanna
