Explain this joke please?

Could someone explain the Indian gum wrapper joke? I dont get it....he says he had to make sure he was indian so he threw a gum wrapper on the floor and a tear fell down the indians face or something.....im missing some part of history here i think.


I'm not sure how old you are, or where your from. I remember when I was a kid, I'm 24 now, they used to show these comercials where I live. (Arizona)

Well back in the day, they used to run these comercials where people would litter and this old Indian dude would cry. It would only be a single tear though. It's supposed to be like... it was their land first, don't mess it up kind of thing.


Is it mean that I always laugh at that commercial?

And if you want to see that commercial, watch the Retro junk on DAZED AND CONFUSED (Flashback edition).

"We Can't Stop Here. This is Bat Country!"


yea frankie is right indians respect land and dont like littering so they cry.


ahhh ok.....im 25, ive never seen the commercial before....i was completly lost on that one....thanks, it was bugging the hell out of me.




I'm from the UK, so I'm afraid that joke did fly over my head!!




it also happened on the simpsons and it was pretty damn funny.


It was from a commercial made in the 80s, which started the Recycling movement. A native american is standing on the side of a highway when a car passes by and some trash drops at his feet. Zooms in to see tear fall from his eye. There ya go.


Actually, it was a PSA made in the 70s with Iron Eyes Cody as the "Crying Indian". You got the scene right but you got the decade wrong. But it's still powerful.


Its right here on youtube.



The po-lice could fine you for littering. Isn't that in all the states? You'll get fine $1K for that here in GA. I never knew that part of history about the Indians. Interesting!


I know this is an old thread but here's the commercial on YouTube


Wow..I'm 20 and I got the joke...I watch too much TV though .


I saw this when I was 14 or 15, and I knew what it meant I'm 16 now about to be 17 in June.


Yea I saw that commercial all the time when I was a kid I'm 24
