MovieChat Forums > Copying Beethoven (2007) Discussion > I need to criticize this movie

I need to criticize this movie

No, I'm not a classical music snob, but this movie....

When the camera started jerking around in the beginning when she was on the carriage ride, and then blurring in and out...oh boy. It looked like she was flipping out on some hallucinogenic drug.

Then of course the farting scene. Had no idea what that was about, and it made her cry. Oh jeez.

And then the ninth! Wow, I didn't realize a woman directed Beethoven's ninth! (LOL) Of course a woman never did direct his 9th, but just the way the camera got closer and closer, and their hands were rotating in slow motion, and they were swirling their necks, etc., it just made me cringe. And their facial expressions looked like they were in orgasm or something. I admit it is a beautiful symphony but COME ON!!!

They should have named this film Beethoven Meets Erin Brockovich. It's like she took charge in everything in his life. She understood his music more than he did!!!! lol


When I watch the film, I always fast forward past the fartissimo scene. It's just cringe-making! Much as I do like the rest of it I feel that that scene is a real insult to Beethoven's memory. I know he could be rude but there's no way he would have behaved like that in front of a woman. The ninth scene doesn't bother me. When I saw the film at the cinema I'd never been to a Beethoven concert and I just loved the whole depiction and sound of the premiere of the ninth symphony. (Even Anna 'conducting' didn't put me off.) I have since been to a performance of the ninth symphony. It completely took my breath away!


I thought the fartissimo scene was brilliant. Beethoven was egocentric and passionate person and that scene showed that to perfection. It looked like he was telling a joke to himself and he was so funny to himself, that he lost track of everything around him. He didn't want to hurt Anna, but he just couldn't help being his impulsive self.
In my opinion the ninth scene was beautifully directed.


He may have been impulsive but that 'joke' was beneath him. I just don't believe that Beethoven would have behaved like that in front of a woman. (Not that he would have tolerated a woman copyist anyway!)
We all know he was scruffy and none too clean at times but that was absent-mindedness.
The ninth was the best part of the film.

The King's good servant but God's first
