It'a about genius

Something not quite right in their brains have allowed geniuses to be as exceptional as they are but the price they pay is a lack many of the "normal" social attributes that most of us take for granted. I think they might be anti-social, by-polar and/or sociopaths. They tend to be crass, rude, snobbish, angry, completely self-centered and very hard to live with. Yet, they are dependent; they need people around them but it's hell on Earth for those people who feel the need to be with them and yet, would love to flee and live a normal life away from the distructive world of the genius. Amadeus, Pollock, Good Will Hunting, Lust for Life, A Beautiful Mind, The Soloist, La Vie En Rose, and of course Copying Beethovan, all deal with the same basic plot: The joys, the love and the heartbreak that average, and even talented people suffer at the hands of the genius. The history depicted in some of these films "based on a true story" are probably flawed, but the theme is true.
