ed harris is great but...

i know diane kruger can do a german/prussian accent.she is of german descent ffs.she at least tries one on in inglorious basterds(and it's passable).

ed harris is very good as ludwig van but once again,i have heard him do a halfway convincing german accent in another film that escapes me.his acting is such tho that you almost don't notice that he sounds american.

the script is absolutely horrifying on so many levels.the dialogue is horrendous.the idea that beethoven could go from being intruded on while he was composing only to be "corrected" and tolerate it is completely laughable.then him seeing her immediately as a sign from whatever.even the opening sequence i had to look away the way she looks away but not for the same reason.i closed my eyes and listened to the fugue n paid the attempt at arty image metaphor no heed.towards the end of his life beethoven was not anyone's jovial drinking buddy.but this is not the fault of harris,he's just playing what is scripted.i am only 20 mins in and i am wanting to put on immortal beloved.and even that is good but highly fictionalized.

but hey,at least they tried to sound like they lived in vienna.

have the austrians or the germans made a film about beethoven?if not,they should.

and subtitle it in english for me.

i had to come back and edit this.it got so much worse.i stopped it in the middle of him conducting the 9th with her to help him keep time.wow.this movie just went from bad to insulting.while harris captures the fury and distance of beethoven quite well,the writers' actual portrayal of the character shows that they have little if any respect for the pain he was in at this point in his life.the entire thing feels like what the writer would have liked to have happened for him.but that didn't happen.that is a very large part of what gives his music depth and an eterenal relevance;that out of such suffering came such beauty.with no help from anyone but what he heard in his own head and the love that inspired it.no pretty blonde girl to help him keep time.no remorseful nephew.

in the end,the music was all he had.to fictionalize or reimagine his life is presumptious,arrogant,and downright wrong.
