So much hate

There's so much hate for these guys, so what there not fitting into a common mold, as long as there happy and doing good works then who are you to sit in front of your PC with no life and slam others for having a unique family and a interesting life.. its just pathetic and if your life was on TV it would be boring as hell with no substance..

Rant over, Haters feel free to spout your hate now..


I have always found the show and the family likable and interesting. I will miss it greatly when it's gone.


In general I dislike racist killers and fat loudmouths. I know that makes them all great and me horrible but such is life. Not concerned what fans of felons and former methhead prostitutes who abandon their kids thinks of me.


Well thank you for that amazing insite into the life of the chapmans well done bravo for you to stand in there defence such a selfless act I Applaud You !!!!! But lets be honest it is a complete loads of boll..ks as a tv show and if you are indeed sad enuf to watch this pile of sh.t then slate it more fool you for wasting your and our time the Fu.king adverts should be enuf to make your mind up on this !!!!!!!


I enjoy the show . Besides Dog and his family are likeable. I've seen both sides of Dog in this show. The Good man who loves kids and a good strong christian who wants to help those felons get a new start. And I've seen the Grumpy Dog who pouts and acts like a spoiled child.
The Show doesn't hide it. And Neither does he. He admits he's a work in progress and that no one is perfect. Ans somehow that just makes him seem more likeable because he is human. He's flawed and because of that he's a inspiration.
PEople Hate because they're prejudged or because they can. Those people hate this so much my question is why torture yourself and watch the show ?

I Hate Rude behavior in a man. I Won't tolerate it.-Captain Woodrow F. Call.
