No more Hawaii, what gives??

Anybody know why most the recent episodes are all filmed in Colorado? I did hear somewhere that the Chapmans moved out of Hawaii but I haven't been able to verify it.


from what i remember from several seasons ago, they used to live in colorado and had a business there. now they live and work in hawaii but go back to colorado now and then to help out some old friends. of course, i haven't heard anything recent about them, so i could be wrong.

the world is a mess and i just need to rule it.




Isn't the birthin episode in Hawaii? After all, Baby Lyssa can't fly.

No threesomes unless it's boy, boy, girl, or Charlize Theron.


Not sure where the baby is born. For the Christmas episode last Dec. they flew in from Hawaii. I had permission to fly at 34 weeks to Hawaii from San Diego and back. I don't know what the limit is these days since that was in 1984.




.... and racist it would seem.


don't hate, bra


B/c most people in Hawaii hate white trash haoles.....


Like the people in Hawaii are so high class? Have you seen the trash and riff-raff Dog hunts in Hawaii? That whole damn state is loaded with ice-heads, drunks, and bums?



If you believe Hawaii is predominantly made up of criminals because of this television show, you are obviously a moron. Do you even know the cost of living here? Further, crime is so relatively low here, that you rarely ever have murders occur, and when they do, it's the main story all over the news. What about major cities in the contiguous 48? There are gang shootings every couple of hours. Even outside of the major cities, you can find your ubiquitous molesters and serial killers. I'm of course not assuming that the US is akin to a proverbial Sodom and Gomorrah, so why associate Hawaii with everything you see on tv? I'm sure Dog's previous felony charges were a lot more serious than the majority of people he apprehends. Plus, so what if Hawaii people are laid back? Do you go to a pacific island for a fast-paced environment? In closing, if you don't want to visit, nor move here, because of how so "terrible" it is, then don't, stay wherever the *beep* you are!


I have friends who live in Honolulu, they said the cost of living is the same as in Ca., where they moved from.


that is true. HI and CA are very similar in costs. NYC is actually much more pricey than honolulu, but the higher costs are off set by high salaries, something honolulu lags behind in compared to most major cities.


totally agree. i am a former HI resident. back in the 90's i observed that it was not just the white people making trouble on the island.


but do they also hate hawaiian, samoan, filipino, etc. who may be considered low class like the "white trash h....." you are referring to?
