
what are those big guns they carry? i saw one of the sons holding one while he was driving, why?


They're paintball guns but instead of paintballs, the guns shoot "pepper" balls so when they hit a person, the person is covered with pepper powder.


thank you pyro, i've always wondered.


Dog can't legally carry a real gun since he is a convicted felon for a manslaughter rap.


I knew he had a legal history. But I didn't know that he was a convicted felon; nor that there was a manslaughter rap.

However, I do know that laws very from state to state, especially in regards to bail bondsmen, and that in some states a felon isn't even allowed to carry a paintball gun. Or to carry mace, pepper spray or anything of that nature.

That's why I figured "Dog" was the one who mostly directed the others. Because legally he couldn't do too much else.


Awesome! I was wondering the same thing than the OP!

Prostitute: What the *beep* are you doing?
Johnny: I'm gonna kill a bunch of people.
