Summer reruns!

To all and sundry --

If the listings on are to be believed, it looks as though ABC is going to rerun "Blind Justice" on Tuesday nights at 10, starting on August 2nd. There's a heartstopping gap between next week's episode, "Under the Gun," and the season/series (sob) finale, which has been pushed back to June 21 because of basketball and a special airing of "Primetime Live."

Look at it this way -- it's a great chance for fans like birdofire to get those all-important early episodes on tape, with luck the ratings will go up, and it gives us all another window of opportunity to write letters of support and appreciation to Stephen MacPherson, Director of Entertainment at ABC (West Coast address).

Let's go for it!


NOOOOOOOOO!! We have to wait until JUNE 21 for the finale? WAAAAH.... It just keeps getting worse...

But I'm glad to hear they're rerunning it in August... wouldn't it be awesome if the rating went through the roof in reruns?


I'll bet there's no gap between episodes for that piece of sh** Desperate Housewives. They're really making me mad =O(


I think this maybe shows some promise. At least with summer reruns it will give a lot of people a chance to watch it again and possibly increase ratings. Also, we can enjoy it a little more.


YAY!!! Thank you, jkendaljr for bringing this up!!! I'm gonna mark my calendar, post-it-note my computer, write on my hand and anything else it takes to remind me of when and where and you better believe I'll be getting them all this time around LOL
Letters will be going out... LOL the things people (like me!) will do!! I hate writing letters in general... LOL
And Amen Angel6... I couldn't agree with your post more!!

Ladies don't start fights... but we can finish 'em!


I screwed up with taping a couple of times (and didn't even try taping the pilot) so I'm going to be looking forward to the gap. But then again, I'm a Lost fan too, and their multiple hiatus's have conditioned me, lol

"Mares are from Venus, Stallions are from Mars, and Geldings are from Heaven."
