I can't let go!

Elizabeth Kubler Ross's Five Stage of Grief, as applied to "Blind Justice."

1. Denial: I can't believe this. This can't be right. Maybe I read it wrong.

2. Anger: What are they, nuts? How could those pinheads at ABC cancel this show? It was so-o-o-o-o good. I hate them and I'm never watching ABC again, except for "Blind Justice" reruns.

3. Bargaining: Maybe Stephen Bochco will take it to cable, even though no cable network could afford a show with this kind of production values, a high profile cast, and two working teams of cinematographers.

4. Depression: All I want to do is lie here on the sofa in my bathrobe, shoot chocolate-flavored Reddi-Whip into my mouth, and watch my old "Blind Justice" tapes.

5. Acceptance: Oh, well. At least I have it on tape, and it helps if I think of this as the best 13-part miniseries ever. And maybe they'll put it out on DVD.

How are we doin' out there? At least we can start a great thread on Tuesday with "Under the Gun." Sigh, sob, grinding of teeth.

Thoughts, anyone?



Mild disappointment and indifference? Okay, Bob, although we are dedicated to the free exporession of everyone's opinions here . . . how can I say this? . . . you need to go away and let us mourn as a community. And read Carl51's post so you can learn about humility and also, in the process, get a little reality check.


I got hit with the disappointment first, then depression and I just haven't moved on to acceptance yet. Anger is setting in, so much so that I'm annoyed with EVERYTHING on ABC. The Lost season finale sucked at parts, but I think that is due to my annoyance with ABC and Jeopardy's Ultimate Tournament was rather anti-climactic after the second round of the second day of the final. Wheel of Fortune is a waste of time and that's all I watched on ABC. I don't know if I'm just annoyed because it's freaking ABC or not. I know there are people who say "get a life, it's just a TV show", but the way I see it, it's probably MY freaking fault that BJ was cancelled! Why? Because no matter what the show is, if I like it, it gets cancelled. So blame me guys. Someone on another board claims to be "the thread killer", just call me "the show killer".

Frustration has set in in a major way.


i experienced denial for several days,, hence: no posting
then anger set in,, and i found fault with anyone finding fault w/ our show, classless no - brains,,,

i must've slept thru bargaining

and i'm enjoying depression: dr pepper w/ slightly chilled king dongs are the best !!!

<< are you suggesting coconuts migrate ? >>


Right with ya dogma. Honestly, I don't have cable and I don't have satellite and ABC isn't convincing me that's a bad thing. Unless Blind Justice actually does go to cable in which case I'm probably sunk!!
You know, I watched cartoons as a child and now with the stuff that's on tv, cartoons and adult shows alike, and all of it seems to just get dumber and dumber and when someone actually comes up with something good like Blind Justice and it goes off the air due to lack of interest etc and I have to ask WHY? Maybe too much Cat/Dog and the Simpsons? Are we not capable of enjoying intelligent, educational AND just plain fun shows anymore?
Maybe for revenge I'll take over all the networks and feed everyone a solid diet of Red Skelton for a couple of weeks. Ha! No cussing... no SEX... no soap opera... no stabbing your friends in the back... just laughs... we'd probably have a national epidemic of sensationalism withdrawal. What a shame.
Guess it's pretty obvious where I'm at in the stages of denial huh?

Ladies don't start fights... but we can finish 'em!


ok,, i admit defeat,, i am not the best computer person,, i am SO LOST ...

i have tried to get the photo bucket info,, i copied and pasted : in the dogpile searchengine:


i have tried to go to photobucket,, i have to register,, i enter under search "blind justice"
i shorten the search to this: http://photobucket.com/albums/y8/blindjusticecaps


is there some patient soul that can take this beginner step by step on what i need to do to access it?? i have tried for several days,, to no avail,,,,

still getting over- caffinated by dr pepper,,and a sugar rush from the chilled king dongs,, maybe this isn't such a bad stage of grief to be in,,,

thanks in advance:

<< i'm afraid when i'm in this idiom, i get carried away >>


Poor Dogma! I don't know why you're putting it into a search engine. Just copy the link you already have and insert it directly into the address bar and click on go. That particular one takes you directly to a cool shot from Doggone that I love. Or this link will take you to the entire Blind Justice album:


You don't have to register to view. This takes you directly to the page.


Don't worry Dogma I can't get it to work either. I've tried cutting and pasting the link, going to photo bucket directly and nothing works. It's not you.



this is what i did,, i went to the top of the tool bar,, where it says:
back, home, print,,etc,, this is w/ microsoft outlook or microsoft internet explorer at the top,,
any ways: go to where it says: file, edit, view,, etc
hit: file,, then hit: new... then hit: contact,,
from there an address bar appears, and paste in the web addy
and i got it !!!

hope it works for you,,
dang,, i deserve another kingdong and a dr pepper ,, whew,, the very next thing i did was make sure i put it in my favorites list,, so i dont' have to go thru that torture again,,
i haven't even looked thru it,, but i know it's there,, whew,,

<< he must be a king,, he doesn't have *beep* all over him >>
