Blinked too much???

Does anyone think he blinked too much for a blind person?
I have only meet two blind people in my life who were both mostly had their eyelids still or they had their eyes closed. I have seen blind people on television and they always have their eyes closed or still.
What do you think?


Ron Edldard, who played Jim Dunbar, probably couldn't keep his eyes still or open slightly for very long because they'll dry out. So he blinks to keep them moistened.


I never noticed, but I also noticed that on shows where someone pretends to be blind, the actor usually closes or narrows their eyes, or keeps them open...but like the other poster mentioned, his eyes might've dried out.

"Have you lost your mind?! Cause I will help you find it!"


if someone's blind but still has their eyes wouldn't their eyes still be moistish and stuff and thus they'd still need to blink? or does all that go away?

"My mom would kill me if I was a murderer"-Marley
"How ironic" -Jay(me)


I am a member of the blind community and yes, our eyes are immune to drying out. It is called Plasticosis of the cornea. This condition, which all blind people have, means that our eyes will never go dry, and therefore we do not need to blink...ever. Even if we touch our eyes with dirty fingers, or if we get a dry substance sprayed into our face (such as sand or pepper spray). This is why you never see blind people being affected by pepper spray or mace. Furthermore, Ron Eldard does not accurately portray the blind community, as real blind people can do nothing more than sit in their apartments and listen to the radio.

Think about it, you morons. Get informed. (Canadian National Institute for the Blind)


this is informative and thanks for that
but i would really hope that any blind person wouldn't want to just sit in their apartment and listen to the radio...i would hope that if someone is blind that they do not see that as keeping them from going out into the world

"My mom would kill me if I was a murderer"-Marley
"How ironic" -Jay(me)


Wow. I was being facetious.


I can't believe someone believed that plasticosis thing. I was sitting her lmao and in the next post, someone thought it was real! That makes it even funnier!


Considering he was recently blinded, any chance it could just be habit?


Okay...I hadn't checked this thread for a long time because I thought the conversation was over. Are you an idiot, white_jasper? Did you not read the discussion?
