Hippies shouldn't make movies

While the story of the parrots and Mark is good and had great potential, if it was told right. Judy, the hippie filmaker, *beep* it up. Cheesy music throughout the movie and horrible camera work. Plus, you just can't start banging your subject. Hippies.


Plus, you just can't start banging your subject.

Why not?




Sooooo unanswered question; Why can't you start banging your subject?



Irshgril -

Your remarks are unintelligible.



"Cheesy music throughout the movie and horrible camera work": i didn't notice any of that, although i did, at one point, wish that the music be more in harmony with the song/noise of the birds (and i have no idea on how to write such music).
Do you make movies? Any good?


yeh, stupit hipies shooodnt make mooovies! uhhh, i lik muvies bout cars sploding, spechully arnuld muvies..uhhhh

uuuuuhh, i lyk bush tooo


I watched this movie for the second time tonight and took extra notice of the amazing camera work, editing and scoring of the movie. It captures San Francisco beautifully. I could tell that Judy definitely has experience filming nature, and certainly with editing as well. The fact that she did it all herself is amazing. As far as the "hippie" thing goes, Mark pointed out at the beginning of the film that he loves San Fran but didn't like the "down" attitude of the 50's beatniks, nor the "airiness" of the hippies in the 60's. So while you're busy judging people you might as well get your facts straight.
