Loved the movie + Mingus

Just watched the film a moment ago and thought it was great but one thing that dissapointed me was Mark should of taken Mingus with him, I know his now in a wildlife centre but I think he would of been alot happier if he stayed with Mark. Does anyone know if Mingus is still alive?


It was impossible to take Mingus with me. The details were too numerous to put in a movie. Mingus is still alive and finally has a stable situation. Parrots like routine. Best of all, he has a mate. Another parrot, for a parrot, is always a better solution than a relationship with a human being. My book has fuller explanations of all the issues the film raises. It is quite different from the film and covers the entire six-year story. I recommend it—highly!


Sorry for the delay in replying but have not logged on for ages. I was shocked to discover that you replied Mark so thanks for sparing the time to let me know Mingus is okay, it almost made a 33 male cry when you had to give him away to the sanctuary so can only imagine how hard it was for you. I will look on amazon to buy the book. Hope all is well in your life. Do you own any parrots at the moment?


My wife and I are taking care of two birds from the flock that cannot be rereleased because of injuries. They have each other, and they're doing fine.

