MovieChat Forums > Lakposhtha parvaz mikonand (2005) Discussion > Absolutely Incredible and Relevatory Fil...

Absolutely Incredible and Relevatory Film

I cannot believe that Turtles Can Fly is not getting more props on here. I thought the film was exceptional in nearly every way. I have never seen kids so fully developed on-screen before. This is not a Hollywood oh-they're-so-cute gimmick, but real kids with missing arms and legs who are captured with charm, horror and the startling details of their every day lives. At last there is a movie about kids that is made for adults, and in a region and of a topic that will make any sane person question what those mines are still doing there at all. For those who like to be moved and educated, this film is gripping. I just can't get over the depth of the characters involved, and the fact that those mines, as far as I know, remain there to this day.




Just back from the cinema and the film is still lingering in the body. Unfortunately, movies like this never make it to the large UK/US movies chains, as it is a movie people should watch. Not the kind of happy film who makes the corporations richer I guess...
