275 days?

*mild spoilers*

At the end of the film, one of Satellite's friends tells him that the armless boy has predicted that in 275 days something else will happen in the area. Does anyone know if this was meant to be a reference to a real-life event?


I'm not sure, but it could be a reference to Hussein's arrest, since that was nine months after the militar action began.


thats my best guess also though saddam was actually captured a good deal south of where this movie takes place (i believe he was captured somewhere south of tikrit which is not even in the kurdistan region). aside from his capture, however, there was nothing positive that happened in the 275 days following the fall of baghdad. perhaps there area was destroyed or it was a foreshadow to their deaths or something. for the sake of a semi-happy ending im going to stick with your theory of saddam's capture.


I found this from an interview:

Q:The prediction at the end of the film is in fact a conservative and double-edged one. Is it not?

Bahman Ghobadi:

No, it is not conservative. It is quite simple. That’s why I said in 275 days so that the spectator does not lose touch with the film and so that he writes it down in his diary to see what happens then. I could have given another title to my film, such as Love, Road, but it would soon have been forgotten. Five thousand films are made yearly and their title resemble each other.


I'm glad there are people who have seen this film. I was well worth renting. I really wish the 275 meant something a little more than previous responses seem to indicate. However, Ghobadi's comment does hold true in that it makes the audience think beyond the end of the film. Great flick, I'd say we're all better for having seen it (for the U.S.'s invasion or not).
