MovieChat Forums > Lakposhtha parvaz mikonand (2005) Discussion > The international necklace, and the 200-...

The international necklace, and the 200-something days

Two questions... my apologies if it's already been asked:

1) When Satellite buys the necklace, he exclaims happily, "it's international"... then in the scene where he rescues the boy from the minefield, he throws the boy the necklace, the boy reaches for it and he exclaims, "don't touch it, it's a mine!". (Maybe I'm misreading the scene?) Any ideas of the symbolism here? Or if there were any symbolism meant by it?

2) The last prediction is something about 200-something days later, something will happen in the area. It's a precise number, though I forget exactly (278?)... does that date signify anything?


Something just occurred to me... could the 200-something days later, be the time that shooting began on the film?


It had come to mind that the bracelet or necklace (whatever it may be) was made of bullets or bulletshells from different manufacturers all over the world... haven't had a chance to see it again and focus on that image to see if they're different... dunno... just tought it might be that.


He accidentally threw the necklace next to a mine and someone tripped it. The necklace is made of bullets not cases or whole cartridges. It looked like a .50 caliber bullet, which is used often around the world.
