
How graphic is what they show, because this movie is rated 14A here in Canada, but usually if the movie has historical importance they will give it a lower rating, for example Saving Private Ryan is rated 14A here and its one of the most gory movies I have ever seen. Tell me what the violent parts are incase I don't fell like watching this (because real violence just makes me queezy, unlike most movies where I know its fake).


It has been a while since i have seen the movie.I don't recall anything really violent or graphic but i work in the medical field so i am no longer phased by blood and guts. The movie has the word *beep* in it about 40 times and there is talk about drugs and soldiers dying. But a lot less violent than saving private ryan.


Ok thanks, I could care less about the f word, ive seen Casino and it holds the record (even though its nots documented on many lists, its over 400). So nothing too bad, good, Ill rent this movie then.


I think South Park Bigger Longer Uncut has displaced earlier movies with claims to the most swearing. This one is said to be the harshest language ever in a PG-13 movie, but it's nothing worse than typical soldier language.

Anyway, I just saw the movie, and the closest thing to on-screen gore I can think of is a soldier with a finger badly deformed by a long-healed shrapnel wound. The strongest violence is the use of battering rams on doors, and plastic wrist-ties used on people. There is some talk about violence and gore, but it isn't terribly graphic.


Well now, that sequel to house of a 1000 corpses holds the record for the f word, over 500 uses. Anyways thanks, I will try to find this movie.



500 is exaggerated, its more like 150 curses.

These films make GUNNER PALACE look like a sunday picnic!


Everybody is so down on the F word in this movie, but come on, in high school I use to say it more times that that in a couple of hours. Actually I probably still do. The reason why I saw this movie has nothing to do with violence or morbid curiousity. I actually know some of those guys in that movie. I actually have a lot more respect for my friends knowing what they went through over there. The thing that weren't in the movie are the things that still scare me.

I reject reality and substitute my own!
