
In several scenes of this movie you can see soldiers with laptop computers. Do they really allow soldiers to bring personal computers like those to a warzone? It seems like that would be somekind of security risk.


I know when i went, we were allowed to take our personal computers but we could not hook them up to the internet. So if we wanted to take ours and watch movies, study material that we are given about our job by the military, or keep a diary of accounts, and listen to music. Thats why we took ours.
So it was no security risk.


It's a new Army these days... You can bring most anything that'll fit into your foot locker, at least that's how it was with our unit.... There're so many laptops, x-box's, ps2's, lcd t.v.'s, and whatever else a soldier needs to make himself get through this hellhole that is Iraq.... I know myself and others have hooked our laptops up to the internet... Not really a security risk, at least with us... Only 5 more months; HOOAH!!!


My uncle has his laptop with him now in Iraq and any emailing he does it has to be scanned and listed under classified and unclassified...but most of the time he emails from an army computer not his personal one.

"And Its cold outside, and i can feel the winter..."


If you are hooking your personal laptop up to the military network then it is a huge security risk. You are exposing all the rest of the computers on the military network to any viruses worms or trojan horses that your computer may have picked up. If those viruses etc. infected military computers they could lead to the leak of classified information.


When I was overseas, alot of us bought laptops before we went. We were on a Quick Reactionary Force so we were always on standby and couldnt go anywhere. our solution for the bordem? the LT bought a hub online and we played LAN "Return to Castle Wolfenstine" games agaisnt each other. lol a great time waster in between missions. :)


umm id like to think that the network that controls top secret military information, and the network that they use for email are maby a BIT seperated
