No offence but...

...some American soldiers may wonder why the world hates them. Well the fact that, during this documentary, when out on patrol in your Humvee's, some of you were blaring out your Death Metal music at stupid O'clock at night, on purpose. I know you're getting shot at, I know it's *beep* out there. But at least show some respect instead of waking the whole neighbourhood with that crap.

Other than that, it is a good documentary.


The world will hate Americans no matter what happens, damned if you do, damned if you don't. They were probably playing the loud music becuase they hadn't slept in days and were trying to stay awake.

Good docmentaries show the bad side with the good, which is why Gunner Palace is excellent, warts and all. I'm sure the Iraqis hated getting woken up, but better that than getting shot.


it shouldnt be the soldiers that are hated or the citizens. If people were really smart about hating people they should hate the only people they hear about.. political figures. I dont hate all muslims.. but the good ones do need to grow some and not allow there extremist brothers to do stupid acts.



Danny, that just isn't true. America the country had much higher approval ratings around the world in 2000 than it did just 3 or 4 years later. It is not the case that "they will hate Americans no matter what happens." In fact, people all over the world have changed their opinion about America and the Americans. In many Arab countries, approval ratings went from about 50% to below 15%. That's a huge change and it happened it just a few years.


As I said America will be damned if it does, damned if it doesn't

Bill Clinton had four meeting between Israel and Palestine, in 1993, 1995, 1998, ad 2000. Each time the peace treaty was broken, and America was accused of being an Israeli puppet

Rwanda in 1994: America is accused of ignoring the genocide and not intervening.

Kosovo in 1999: America is criticized of being the world policeman BECAUSE of intervening in the Serb-Albanian confict there.

Since the Gulf War in 1990-91, America was accused of ignoring the suffering of Iraqis due to the U.N. embargo whch limited medical supplies to Iraq. ALso, hatred against America increased in the 1990's due to having military bases in Saudi Arabia.

Now, since the invasion of Iraq, the U.N. embargo has ended, there are no U.S. bases in Saudi Arabia, but since there are troops in Iraq, America is criticized BECAUSE of intervention into Iraqi affairs, instead of ignoring Iraqi suffering.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


to be honest, its almost every young man's dream to be driving some sort of kickass vehicle, while listening to their favorite music.


Why should America give a rat's ass what anyone thinks?! America is the best nation on the planet bar none, so screw what anyone *feels* about us. They're simply envious. And don't try to debate this; I know I'm right.

"Don't quote Dickens in my apartment!" ~ Joe Young



That's a soundtrack, my friend. Added post-production.


Well, well, well Matt. We meet again, coincidence I think not! Apparently we share a great love of Gunner Palace. Who would have thought? My worst enemy and I actually have something in common. Amazing. Maybe you and I should get together sometime. Maybe catch a movie, listen to some MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE! You'd enjoy that wouldn't you.

By the way what happened to the damn waffles? I was making them! As my new Best Friend I think you should make me some more!

In conclusion you're bullocks, your mothers bullocks, and your Gunner Palace loving face is so bullocks!


P.S. I have nothing against Gunner Palace. Just this QUEER!


Get a life, loser.


Poetic. Eloquent. Beautiful. Love of my life. My inspiration.

Just a few word to describe you matt. Cheers.

*Enter BULLOCKS remarks here*


Alex enjoys my sweet ass!!!! DEAL WITH IT FAGS!!!


I love how 'some' americans think they're free.
And that the rest of humanity is kind of pissed at them for it..
Well, to any US citizens may I ask the following:
1) how many holidays do you get/take every year.
2) how many of you have travelled outside the US for vacation.
3) how many of you know the changes in your laws (patriot act etc)

still think your free?

Good american people will always be loved and respected (like anyone) and arrogant dumb ones will always be hated.
It's called human nature, and it always comes before politics.
or at least it used to.
till 9/11.

"This is your Brain. This is your Brain on drugs. Any questions?"


fury mustards is brit who needs to brush his teeth

