soldier intelligence

Clearly not a worry in Iraq.
The US military, at least on the boots side, appear to be morons (aka stupid, slow).
Anyone else sense an abundance of dumb in the film?


.... Uh. No, not really.

IMDB Comments. Because apparently, we let retarded people use computers.


Well, yeah. Our failing education system leaves a lot of people with no other option than to simply enlist in the military so it's not suprising lol.


Intelligent or not, they're protecting your freedom


So we would have lost our freedoms if we didn't go into Iraq? I thought we went there cause Saddam was this great big threat.


There are some people whose rights I wish I didn't have to protect. Fortunately for you, I don't get a choice.


Because I feel the men presented in the film appeared to be idiots doesn't mean I don't fear for them.
Freedom has nothing to do with the position I took but it is the only advance you seem to have.
How typically and boringly American.



Thanks for sharing that marky, I am also from the uk (Liverpool, bit like Baghdad actually) and now live in Canada.
I have the utmost respect for all people who serve, right down to those people who serve and protect in any uniform.
I think the boys portrayed in the film were hamming for the camera, I don't know what it's like to live in a combat zone (82 riots aside) but maybe letting go of inhibitions is a way to get-through-it. Or maybe the film-maker wanted to show that side.

No doubt these young people are brave and most have a genuine effort to serve, I hope they all come home quickly and healthy.


ok, so you're hinting at your age here.

you think maybe, just maybe, there's a big of a generation-gap between you and the soldiers depicticted...and by your own admission (and my personal experience 'hamming it up')?

they may not be cosmpolitan and well-heeled but, I'd take their character judgement over a lot of other folks in heart-beat. people skills count in life. they've got'em in spades.




I know I'm straying a bit from commenting on the movie but I'm in line with the discussion of the thread.

v-masson, how exactly are they protecting my freedom? Don't you think that a policy shift away from blind support of Israel would better protect me? Bush's recent comments "Some seem to believe we should negotiate with the terrorists and radicals, as if some ingenious argument will persuade them they have been wrong all along," misses the point that we are just as far in the wrong as they are. We are supposedly supporting the regions "only democracy" when several of the so called "terrorist states" have much more open democracies than Israel. If only Christians had a real political say in the US would we still be a democracy? My personal favorite is the "They hate freedom", you can't make someone free by imposing your version of freedom upon them. In todays world with unprecedented exchange of information and freedom of travel you cannot take away someones ability to strike you but you can take away, or at least lessen by not repeatedly and intentionally pissing them off, their desire to do so.

gtiness, I live in a community very close to Camp Pendleton (different branch but same tree) and unfortunately I can say that if anything their behavior was somewhat toned down for the camera. Since when is being a drunken, loud mouthed bully "people skills"? How can they make character judgments of groups and or individuals of a society and culture that they have no respect for or understanding of? It's frightening that they are putting these kids in position to make these life and death decisions. Teaching someone to fire a rifle and obey orders may have been great in the days when an individual leader could control the actions of many soldiers but that is not enough in todays environment where kids with minimal education and life experience are forced to make these decisions for themselves.


As an Light Infantry Veteran of the 2003 invasion and as a member of the 3/187th Infantry of the 101st Airborne Division attached to the 3rd Infantry Division in the vanguard of the invasion I can tell you a couple of things; the 1st Armored Division (depicted in the film) was a follow-on unit to the invasion. Any representation by the Soldiers in the movie that would lead you to believe otherwise is false. The soldiers depicted in this movie are not Infantrymen and thus despite what the Army would like you to believe are today as they were then, totally untrained and unprepared to fulfill an Infantryman's role which is the mission that was thrust upon them then as it is sometimes today. The Army is unique in that one can choose to a certain degree what specialty they serve in. These Soldiers deployed then as today in the substitute Infantryman's role are reluctant in their of Infantry skills and the dedication they require. On the question of intelligence, Spc Wilkes I think his name was, is a total dumbass an admitted former heavy drug user and drunk and an embarrassment to all those who serve and should he persist in his service in combat he will get someone else killed. Furthermore the Artilleryman as are the Soldiers depicted in this movie have a reputation within the Combat Arms branches of the Army as the dumbest and least motivated among us. The American people want to believe that anyone in uniform is above criticism we are not, some of these guys were stupid people. Finally if you want me to feel sorry for you you should probably not be sleeping with a roof over your head and giggle while diving into a swimming pool. Meanwhile others (me and mine) are sleeping in dirt, dodging RPGs and showering out of a water bottle on the Syrian border. The Infantry has a derogatory acronym for these Soldiers they are referred to as Persons.Other than.Grunts or P.O.G.s (rhymes with vogue). Do yourself a favor America, next time you throw blanket praise on "the troops" remember that about 75% of them today eat four hot meals a day (with ice cream yippee) and the only combat they see is fighting for a spot in line at the PX. The living conditions in Iraq/Afghanistan have gradually softened to such a point, and everybody is trying to be the Infantry (should we even wonder why our casualties are so high?) I never rode in anything with armor until I went back in 2005 where it was mandatory. If the living on the Patrol base is so cushy patrols get shorter, gives Haji more time to plant I.E.D.s thus the need for armor versus living on the street on perpetual patrol, my Battalion saw much combat but not one death or ice cream cone.



these men are physically built. and very basic when it comes to brains. thats all they need to be a good soldier. the truly intelligent ones are their leaders who give them orders. so dont even complain that theyre not smart or watever. do you want someone with the talent of a doctor or scientist to fight out there? every profession has its class. the average soldier is the average man.


Especially the jigs, stick a camera in front of them and they start rapping some ghetto trash or talking about Big Macs and Whoppers.
