Area 51 for PC!!!

I saw the trailer for this game at GameSpot and thought it looked great, until I noticed that, at the time, it was only being released for PS2 and Xbox. Owning no consoles, I was grief stricken and sobbed for several days on end. However, recently GameSpot has announced the PC release of Area 51 alongside its Xbox and Playstation counterparts on April 25! Life doesn't suck so bad after all!!!



No thanks.



I like the customization options a PC gives you, not only in graphics but in gameplay.

I'm also much more comfortable with a mouse and keyboard. I've never really gotten used to gamepads.


I saw this as well...pretty surprised since i thought it was still up for debate about whether itd go to PC. i'll bet it'll look amazing...but i think I have to go for the console, just don't have the patience.


Patience? It will be released for all 3 platforms (PC, Xbox, PS2) on the same day... April 25.

reply I'm a little behind on my reading. In that case, it will be a tough decision, but might have to opt for the PC...its just so damn pretty.

I should be finished with Timesplitters and Doom 3 by then...heheh.


I can't wait. The last first person game I bought was HL2 and I mastered that months ago.

Anyone know about any other decent upcoming FPS titles? The promising ones I've seen so far are Pariah, F.E.A.R., and Stalker.


I hear ya...I can't wait either....are you goin for xbox, ps2 or pc for area 51? (just out of curiosity)

Pariah should be A LOT of fun....and FEAR is getting mixed reviews, but apparently is aesthetically stunning!

Stalker i kno nothing of. sorry.


I don't own any consoles, so I'm going for PC. If the next-gen Xbox (Xenon) is backwards compatible I might consider getting one, since Xbox is the only console that has enough titles on it I'd want to play.

Stalker (or S.T.A.L.K.E.R.) is about a bunch of mercenaries in the near future that are paid to go into the old Chernobyl site and recover anomalous materials that contain strange radioactive energy. So, you have to fight other mercenaries as well as radioactive mutants, etc. etc. The really cool thing is it's amazingly open ended. Sometimes you can join forces with other mercenaries, sometimes you just fight them, and sometimes another mercenary will flag you down from a distance, put down his guns and offer to trade supplies with you. Stuff like that gives you tons of options... lets say a guy flags you down and wants to trade. You can either ignore him, trade with him, or kill him and take all his stuff, but reap the wrath of his group trying to take you out in revenge. It looks really really cool. Should be out soon, too... they're doing that thing where they keep pushing back the release date a bit, but they must be close.


haladar....please let me know how it looks on the PC when you pick it up. Ive been wondering when they might release a demo for the thinking at this point that they may go for the half life 2 approach and release a demo (for the PC) after launch...i dunno.

love to hear how it is on the PC regardless... :)


I just reserved it today, I'll be picking it up next Monday or Tuesday (25th or 26th)

I watched one of the developer interviews where they said that the transition between the consoles and the PC went so well, that a lot of the programming staff are playing only the PC version now, so I'd be willing to bet it's great.


No kidding! I missed have missed that interview...very good news though. Just about a week!! Then we're in business....even tho I doubt you all wouldn't, be sure to post thoughts after you play!



Uhh, I have Halo PC and it runs flawlessly for me.

Area-51 isn't quite a port either. Halo was designed specifically with the Xbox in mind, then they warped the code to make it playable on PC's.

The PC version of Area-51 is being designed from the ground up with the PC's strengths in mind.



There's got to be a weak link in your system somewhere, my friend has a 1.8ghz machine with the same amount of RAM and a gForce 4 TI, and Halo ran absolutely fine for him as well.

Remember, also, Bungie barely had a hand in the creation of PC Halo, it was almost all Gearbox's doing.
