The Lighting

While a few things in this film were not up to par, I must say that the lighting was totally phenomenal. It completely set the eerie mood of the film (and I stress the word "film" because it is a work of art).

Did anyone else think the lighting was overlooked when it came to the Academy Awards?


I was wondering who did the lighting myself, I think it was...nevermind. I can't do this right now. This is so depressing-I think I'll slit my wrists now. I am the weakest link. Goodbye love. Just came to say-


Your words are nice diverboy-1, but loves not a three-way street. You'll never know true love until you love yourself. I should know.


I really think you guy's are being ridiculus about this. The movie was not that bad at all. The lighting was good to. It provided a good tone for the kind of film and the child looked phenomanal. I don't like that it is so underapprecited.


The lightning was unremarkable, in comparison to the astounding time effects. I especially liked when the filmmakers tinted the film to make it look like it got darker and was becoming night, but they forgot that the shadows didn't move.
Wow, says me. Just wow...


Dear Haruka Makkura and King of College,

I like you guys! You are fun! I think Phoenix would agree with me as well. (Market Fresh would probably just come up with some lame reason about why you suck at life, and it wouldn't make sense, but I think he has some inner issues he needs to work out, so we'll cut him some slack.) I would like to thank you guys for posting, and feel free to chime in about anything you read here. I value what you write, and it makes me feel good to know that I am not alone when I was that this movie was underated (wink! wink! ;)! ;)!) I look forward to reading your work! Tchus! Bis Dann!


Dear markety540 (great name?),

First of all, I think you mean "too" because that means also, and you ended your sentence with a preposition, and that is just incorrect. Also, the Child was a puppet and it was obvious. Another downer was: the box was very misleading. I was planning on seeing a very scary demon monster walking on rocks with red eyes...tell me where that happened in the movie. Also, don't get me wrong, with all of it's flaws, and I mean all of them, it was still the best movie I have ever seen (please disregard the fact that it's the only movie I have ever seen). One of my favourite effects, matter of fact, was the backround music. It was ingenious the way they had the same three minute tune playing on a loop throughout the whole show. What made it scary was that they would adjust the volume so I thought something was going to happen, but it never did (oscar?). This brings me to another complimentary point: I didn't realize it was looped till the fifth or sixth time around-they disguised it very well, again using volume as a tool. So, before you go bashing me about bashing the movie, you must ponder this query: Was I really bashing the movie, or are you just bashing yourself because of some unresolved issues within your soul, emotional loss in your youth, or maybe your battle for controll over your body? There are people who can help, just call:666-LJK-HELP

Forever here for you markety,

Dear Phoenix: I'm Back!



First of all, diver-boy is an awful name so you should shut up about that and dont correct my writing you loser. Secondly, it was not obvious that it was puppet because I did not immediateley think it was one. At first, I thought they had put a kid in make-up or costum. Also, you shouldnt believe everything from the box. That is just stupid and like excepting to hear a song about the cover of a CD you buy. and don't try to tell me this is the only movie you've seen because I know that is not true. Obviously, based on your name, you have probably seen some stupid movies about diving. Why do you have a problem with the music? I liked that they used the same music because it was familiar and the different volumes built the good amount of tension at the right point. Lastly, I am not gay, so stop saying that. You were bashing the movie, I'm not bashing myself because I'm not gay. And please don't try to trick me with your stupid phone number.


Wow! That is a lot of anger! I picked up your Freudian slip also: never did I say you were gay, or even hint at it. In fact...the thought never crossed my mind. Now, however, I am sensing that you, like your friends and family, are a strong, conservative. This being said, you may also be homosexual (I am not saying you are) and are what the public likes to call a "homo-phobe" because you feel that you will be shunned, outcasted, frowned on, disrespected, bullied, and the like if you were to admit it. This is simply not true my friend. If your friends will not accept you for who you are, then you must ask yourself: "Are these really the friends I want? Do I want to surround myself with people who will walk out on me, hate me, hurt me, and the like just because of something that I cannot even help?" Believe me, there are people out there who will love you for who you are. Do not be ashamed of what you feel, or your feelings will become ashamed of you. If love gets you down, then you must go down on love itself.

On a different note: Please do not take offense to any of the following. Your CD cover analogy was crap. I expect to see in movies what is on the box because that is what the box is for-a lost minute hook geared towards grabbing you in in the final second and causing you to rent/buy/view this's like the box is saying "This is only some of what I am. If you like this, you can SEE IT and more when you watch the movie!" The analogy would have made sense if you were to say it is like seeeing a song title on the cover of a CD and expecting* to here that song...but wouldn't that just prove MY point? Oh yes! It would! Now I understand: you couldn't come up with a good exaple to contradict me with, so you had to make one up that doesn't make sense. I wonder what the cause for this is. Wait...I've got it: the cause is that I'M RIGHT! Yeah Me!

*In your writting, you spelled "expecting" like "excepting". This was probably just a simple typing error, might want to work on that.

I will admit, this is not the only movie I've seen. I was just trying to make a little joke (a joke is something meant to induce laughter). Now, however, I see that I am dealing with a sensitive, albeit anger-problemed, and serious human being (I refrained from using the term "homo-sapien" so as not to offened, insult, hurt, ruduce self-esteem, or the like).

The name "diverboy" (which is not hyphonated, another mistake on your part) is because I enjoy SCUBA (self contained underwater breathing apperatus) diving. (SCUBA diving is a sport in which one wears a device that enables him or her to breath under the water. He or she can then studying the underwater life and the like.) If I were to use the same reasoning to deduct the origin or your name, I would came up with these explainations: you like to shop at the market; you work at the market; your name may be Mark. Any of these could be right or wrong, but notice that I am not jumping to conclusions about you (you seem to take care of that for me). I find that in times of great stress, if one were to just be honest with one's self and others around him, the next time he meditates/masticates/masturbates, one may be quicker to finding enlightenment. That is all I have to say to you, Market Fresh. So until next time, Auf Wiedersehen! (This is a German phrase for "good-bye". It' literal translation is "until I see you again" so maybe the phrase "Auf Wiederschreiben" which means "Until I write to you agian" or "Auf Wiederlesen" which is "until I read [what you have written] again" would be mor appropriate.)


If anyone is gay in this conversation, it is you so lay off of me. My friends could beat your friends up, and none of my friends are gay, unlike you. My CD cover analogy made perfect sense, maybe you just couldnt understand it because I am more smart than you. My grammar is best so shut up about it.

I am not a homosapien so stop saying that!

Mark is my name I don't work at a market, stupid. Why are you mentioning me masterbating? Because you want to see it? Yeah, I think you do, but I'll never let you.

Finally, I don't speak German because I'm a American.


Dear Market Fresh or should I say Marky Mark,

Not to be mean, but I know you meant smarter and the Freudian slips are running wild like a herd of Buffalo Wings. I was not talking about you, I was just giving some advice in general, but since you changed my words, you must have inner feelings that you either don't know about or are not willing to admit. Also, you ARE a homosapien, but not a homosexual (maybe) so perhaps you should learn what words mean before you use them. One thing more, when using a singular noun that begins with a vowel, one uses the word "an" instead of "a". I am also AN American, but I am worldly, so I speak German as well. Mark, perhaps you long for someone to watch you masturbate, because once again, I did not mention or hint at that at all.

You should not begin to talk about friends and beating people up. How do you know that I am not a friend of the Bush's and have the secret service on my side. Or, how do you know that I am not in the mafia. Or maybe I am a professional wrestler or a superhero. So next time, before you speak, vielleicht sollst du was du schreibst wissen. Oh, meiner bose, ich habe vergessen, dass du Deutsch (that means German in german) nicht sprechen kannst. Ich bin fertig.


Dear Queerwad,

Leave me alone. "A heard of buffalo wings"?!?!?! You are just dumb. You aren't a friend of Bush because Bush hates homosapiens like you (and not me). My friends and I are a gang and we would win because we can fight and you cant because you like men.

And we can both play this retarded different language game...tu madre!

Going back to the CD thing that you screwed obviously don't understand it so I will make it easyer for you. Imagine you bought the new Kelly Clarkson CD and there is a picture of her in a bloody wedding dress on it. If there was not a song about getting married and then murdering her husband you would not be upset because the cover does not mean anything about the CD.

For the last time, leave me alone! I don't want to talk about any of this. I don't want you to keep hitting on me and bashing a good film. and if you arent going to, at least call me Mark.


My my my, Ovenmitt! You sure are a fighter!

I am overjoyed at your response! You have overloaded me with so much material, I don't know where to begin. I guess I'll start where you did.

I am very proud that you are coming up with creative names! See what I have taught you? Now think, without our little escapade, you would be without this leap of intellectual advancement! I really want you to know that "homosapien" is the scientific name for "human being" and I am not joking.

I am wondering very hard (he he: hard! he he) about how you came up with the bloody wedding dress on Kelly Clarkson. It was very random, but I live for randomity, so I like that you said that. I predict that by the end of our conversing, we will be good friends! Also, it still does not make sense because the movie is not ABOUT the cover, but the cover contains things that are in the movie. A CD cover does not preview the CD, but if it somehow started playing a song, then yes, I would expect that song to be on the CD. I also would like to hear a song about Kelly Clarkson killing her husband in a wedding dress.

Your freudian slips are now flying away. Because, I have not hit on you once, so you are just fantasizing about that. I will not call you mark because I want you to have my baby. So, I will let you think about this new piece of info...I'm a woman.


Hey, don't make fun of my creative names when you called me ovenmitt! That doesnt even make sense at all!

If what you say is true about the real meaning of homosapien, I apologize, but I truly doubt it. I'm sure you made that up so I would agree that I'm gay when I simply am not.

Dont laugh about the word hard because I just know you are thinking about me being hard. And I came up with the cover because, based on my IQ, I am a genius and I think it is a brillient idea. My CD idea works perfectly, but you just dont understand it so leave it a lone.

One last thing, you can't be a woman because the word boy is in your name and even if you were I could not have your kid. Dont say you arent hitting on me when you ask me to have sex with you, gayboy.


Alright Mark

Here it is. Flat out: I am not I girl, I have seen more than one movie, neither of us are gay and your CD analogy does make sense (no it doesn't). I said Ovenmitt becasue Arby's has Market Fresh sandwiches and their mascot is named Ovenmitt. I was not making fun of your creative name, but instead: I was complimenting you for real. For the real definition of homo sapien, go to . It is not a gay porn site if that's what you're thinking.

What is your opinion of the movie Asylum of the Damned aka. Hellborn? I would also like to know if you've seen any of thses movies: Dead End, Blessed, House of 1000 corpses, Dead Birds, or Bones.

Whatever your sexual preferences are, I know you are fully loaded with Freudian slips. I am in a good mood right now, so hopefully this will patch things up between us. I really do think we have a lot in common. For me to better understand the CD analogy, maybe you could explain it again, because if I discover that it does make sense, I will utter a thousand apologies. Also, please don't hate me for the following:

alone is one word; "doesn't" and "aren't" and "don't" have apostraphies between the n and the t; IQ tests don't always work, but when I took one in fifth grade, I scored higher than my teacher who was a nobel prize winner and we took the same one;


Stop trying to buddy up to me because I dont want you. Ovenmitt is a stupid nickname that shows no creativity.

Of the movies you listed, I only liked one and that was Blessed. I havent seen Hellborn or Bones. I thought the acting in Dead End was crappy and the story unbelievable. House of 1000 Corpsse had no plot and wasnt scary. Dead Birds was way to slow.

I cannt explain the CD thing any better for you so you just wont understand it.

Leave my grammar alone. For your information, my exclamation mark key is broken so I cant make the contractins correct. Finally, my IQ is higher than yours so dont try to trick me.


Do you know what you are, Mark?

You are a dumb, concieted, very troubled, unfortunately angered, BITCH. Please, have a very nice day! The exclamation mark key is the one key you idiot!!!!!


Whoa, settle down Greg Louganis (get it?)!

Dont get angry because I rejected you. I think you are the one with the bipolar, not me!



Aren't you feeling smug! I just wanted to give you a taste of what a great feeling you get when you make someone so frustrated. I've been high on that feeling since you first posted!


Dear Pal,

What are your thoughts on the magic bullet (careful!)?

Also, is your last name robertson?

Hope to hear from you soon!

Your buddy,



As I said earlier, Greg, dont act all friendly with me when there is such hatred between me and you..

I dont even know what the magic bullet is and my last name in not for you to know you crazy gay stalker.




I think you mean "between you and I." The magic bullet is not for you to know you crazy gay elephant man!

Hate! (jk!)

aka. Gregypoo


Be quiet you rugmuncher! I am not a elephant man at all.

Did I really guess your first name. Im a genius!

Goodbye, Jacquess Custeau.


Don't you mean "an" elephant man?

Sorry, Mr. Robertson, but my name is not gregypoo! :(

OH, well, ovenmitt

I'll "sea" you later!!
He He ha!


Why do you keep calling me Mr. Robertson?! That is NOT my last name so stop it! Also, I believe you spelled see incorrectly you gramatical genius.


'Twas a joke!


"Twas"? Can we please speak English! Thank you.


Where did you go, you little wuss? Dreaming of me? Watching the movie again and realizing it is fantaztic! I hope so.


you would hope I was dreaming of you!


Where did you go, you little wuss?


If you must know jerkface my hamstar died the other day so leave me a lone!


Is english your second language?


HEY! this is between me, and scuba sammy, alright!

and, no, its not my second language.


Oh, I see.

It must be your third.


because you really suck at it......oh, but i guess you could be a redeck!


excuse me, redneck. my right forefinger failed me on that last "n"

sweet dreams larry....

the cable guy!!!!


Im not a redneck becuz I'm from Webster, Missouri, if you even know where that is?

English is my first language and I always get Bs in class so dont talk to me about it.


but you don't get a's! You naughty st. lunatic!


I bet you dont get As to!. im not an st. lunatic becase im' from Webster.


You stupid orange and black!
Red and White all the way!




Why aren't you answering my question! Your talking about colors and it doesnt make any cents.


You're an idiot! You know that! HA! HA!

And the colours are for the high schools! Duh!


I dont understand why you are mentioning colors and calling them colours which is not corect. what schools?


The two high schools with one of the longest running rivalries in the nation. God bless America! '08!


R u kiding me! u go to kircwood!


You are sick! Just sick!


Settle down ive never said anything as mean as that too you.


How's Jer doing?


You arent making any cents smart one,


I'm making more sense than you know, o gifted speller.

So, what's it like being a Statesman?
It must suck. Kind of like a vacuum.


It simply doesnt and i like my maskot so dont dis on him.


I didn't dis the "maskot," i dissed the school...and ours was here first!

The mascot, that is.


I hope 1 of youre kirkwood friends has something badly happen to them


You must be doing it on purpose. No one can be that bad, no one. However, you do live in Webster.....


Dont diss on Webster you loser so go screw a group of turtle.


I am, under no circumstance, a turtle. Also, that was some storm we had, wasn't it?


This film was so bad it was good!! Also the conversation thread on here is so funny I was wetting my y-fronts!! LOL!! I mean the subject is about the lighting/lightning and nothing to do with a couple of guys slagging each other off!! Like I said this film should be burned and never seen again!! By the way I do sheep!!
