4 of Diamonds

They were unbelievably good.

Either Louis is brain damaged or they're making the last show as dumb as possible purely for shïts and giggles.

Let's chuck some total excrement at the screen as a fitting way to say farewell and fück you to the audience.


And they're now in the show.

Hmmm. Interesting.


Why didn't they just not have an eviction for the first week? Wouldn't that have been fairer?


Simon probably wanted to get rid of those chicken boys as soon as possible.


They need to have at least one eviction each week. otherwise it would be a pointless weekend and they need to get money somehow.

also we needed to get rid of the chicken boys and the 4 of diamonds are a great replacement


They need to have at least one eviction each week. otherwise it would be a pointless weekend and they need to get money somehow. Also we needed to get rid of the chicken boys and the 4 of diamonds are a great replacement

True. It would be good to have a girl band too. It looks like the brooks might come back too?


The problem with this girl group is that, they lack sass and attitude.
They are clearly very good singers.

But they are no Fifth Harmony or Little Mix. They just are so dead on stage!

No energy. They look like timid rabbits.

Nicole calls them classy, but this "classiness" also translate to "boring", especially if all of them wanna be like Posh Spice. There is no individual personality. Nobody in the group has a personality.

Just 4 boring girls with perfect voices. No X Factor.

That's why they are doing so badly.

Look at 5AM. Mediocre Vocals but BIG Energy! That even almost every contestant is rooting for them, EVEN if they didn't win themselves.

I think as a performer, energy is very important. Louie desperately need to drill it into them to let loose alot more.

I want my freedom FROM religion!


too late for them now but i agree. I knew Louis wouldn't be able to handle them properly. they needed proper nurturing and support like Nicole gives her category.
