The Lug

Yesterday I watched an episode of SUPER ROBOT MONEKY TEAM HYPERFORCE GO! on Toon Disney called "The Big Lug". It was tragic and a little disturbing. Poor fella. :'( Treaten like an animal! :'( Because those three morons turned him into one. The they turned Chiro into one. It's scary! Not Dracula biting you head off scary, but scary as a combination between sad and disturbing! :'(

My sympathy for the Lug is one reason but the other one is that, it was remenisent to those nightmares I had when I was 9 or 10.

Any comments or questions....


I haven't actually seen this episode, because I live in Australia and we're a little behind in the airing, but we're up to the second season, episode Snowbound. That's on this Sunday (this Sunday as in Sunday in Australia.) You guys are so lucky, I mean, you have all these GBA stuff and DVD's for SRMT, and we don't get that stuff. Damn why does AUS have to be so behind in every thing? So, what actually happened in the episode? Or should I wait to see it myself.....?


Loved the part when Antauri is caught cheating at pinball. "At least I didn't tilt." LOL! By the way, did anyone see the movie The Pink Panther?


I saw it too...Chiro's A LOT like me cause we LOVE animals and hate to see people hurting them! I did that once when this kid started throwing trash to the monkey/gorilla exhibit...POOR GORILLAS AND MONKEYS!!!
