Favorite character

Who is your favorite character on this show? I like all of the monkeys because I think they are cute but my top favorite is probably Sparx! Plus I think Chiro is cool.


I like Otto becuase he likes to sleep like me and is good with tools.But, I like all the monkeys just as much



I like Nova the best. She's got such a kick-butt attitude, but she also has enough common sense to keep her from getting herself killed. In short, Nova rocks! XD


I like gibson, hes so cute when he's smart! actually, he's cute all of the time!


i like chiro ^-^ hes adorable! check out the pic i drew of him! http://hometown.aol.com/godsliltippy/images/chirocolor2.jpg



Antauri is my favorite.

Who is wisest, says the least.


I love Antauri the best, he's so cute!!!!!


Mandarin. He's back baby, with a new awesome look.

"Talk is cheap, but lawyers, bail, and hospital bills aren't." - Me


My favourite evil guy is Scrapperton and Krinkle. How funny are they! HAHAHA! lol


SPRX-77 all the way!


Sparx! Cause I love Corey Feldman lol.

"Officer, officer! There's these people in my parents house, and they're eating all the food!"


Omg, Sparx is okay, but I dunno bout Corey Feldman, I mean, come on, The Goonies? Despite... certain aspects of the film, I find it unentertaining and kinda boring, and that kinda puts me off Corey Feldman... but his voice over for SPRX-77 is great. Good job! :P :D


You know it Corey Feldman is so awsome I love Sparx but then I love all of them there all so cute


I like all of them, but my fav. ones are Sprx-77 and Gibson


Dr. Hal Gibson. Not really sure why, but most likely because he was featured in the first episode I saw.


Antauri is so the best!
i love how he's always calm about things
his cool and laidback kinda attitude is so adorable
i mean if shugazoom city was fixin to blow up in ten seconds, the others would be so scared and nervous that they couldn't even talk.
but Antauri can easily say wat he gotta say.


Nova all the way! shes so cute! her voice and everything.I LUV her fighting skills. I like her personality a lot too! Sprx is my second fav cause I like Corey Feldman a lot too and i think the luv interest thing with him and Nova is adorable! Antauri i luv 3rd cause he gives good advice to everyone and hes very laidback about everything. Lastly its a tie between Gibson and Otto.I just luv em both the same.I like Gibson cause hes so smart and I like his voice.Otto cause hes sweet and very funny at times.And Chiro I like a lot as well.Hes come a long way mastering the power primate.Hes a great fighter! But Nova's my most fav monkey.She was the first action figure I got when they came out! :)


Otto....gotta be. I married someone similar to otto, like's to fix things and is just so sweet...lol But Nova kicks ass. And my son loves Chiro, so that's about it.


That's an easy answer. I have fallen in love with Chiro-kun. No one can take my Chiro-kun, except Jin-May.


Sprx-77 !!

Holy Porsche!
