end of season 2


can anyone explain me the end of season 2? mainly the bleeding azazeal's mark: what does it mean? why does it appear? why does it bleed and why from a stone?

was it suppose to be explained in season 3 (if the serie wasn't cancelled)?

thank you


I can't believe no one replied to your question.


lol ... as you can see you were the 1st to reply, but you didn't answer my questions!! xD

do you have the same questions about 2nd season end??


I think that it was just meant to be an omen, a sign of unpleasant things to come. Basically, it's meant to be the first sign of the oncoming Apocalypse.


I agree. Also, I imagine if it had any significance, it would have been explored in the third series.

- We could be men with ven!


ana-cardoso, yes, I had the same questions and my reply was just sarcastic :)


One can only guess but mostly it was there to assure Azazeal fans that he'd be back in some capacity...


Yea, that explains why towards the end of season two, Azazeal's name kept being brought up. It would have been interesting to see father and son work together in season 3. Too bad, we will never know!



Just watched the ending myself by the looks of it, it was meant to be a teaser for a third season that sadley never came about.
