I thought GW might have been the source for SCRUBS then saw that it came along 3 years later. Is this an exceptional example of reverse influence?


No, I don't think so. I just think hospitals are rich settings for sit-coms: full of people and drama.

I don't really see much that correlates between Scrubs & GW other than the setting? Do elaborate if there's something I'm missing.

If today's my last day on earth, I don't want it to be socially awkward.



Green wing really isnt that much like scrubs. Of course they both comedies in a hospital but the humor is very different. Scrubs is much more sentimental, and much more story oriented. Greenwing is pretty random scene wise, many scenes are just comedic pairings that have little or nothing to do with what little plot there is, and also there is almost zero medical talk in Greenwing.

I like scrubs alright, but Greenwing was absolutely brilliant, one of the best shows I've ever watched.
