MovieChat Forums > Way of the Vampire (2005) Discussion > Did anyone notice the Wasp comment?

Did anyone notice the Wasp comment?

Wow. I've seen many, many bad movies in my time. But one quote from this film takes the cake. About 46 minutes into the film (gotta love On Demand) a voice over describes the behavior of vampires while a nubile vampire vixen slaughters a couple intent on procreating. The voice over says: "It would be different if they were like wasps, one sting and they're dead, but instead they come back again, and again, and again."
I'm not sure where you live, but here in the states wasps CAN sting over and over. Bees on the other hand have a one-shot deal. Wow...How dumb is that? I assumed it was standard knowledge that bees sting once and die and that wasps and hornets can go to town. I can only assume this film was made by gradeschool educated performers.



I don't remember it, no, but nor am I going to watch it again to check... It was horrible... >_<' Worst film I've ever ever ever EVER seen! Its even worse than being hillarious! What can one do to ever see a really good vampire movie?! I mean, not just visually good, but also with a great (and vampiric) story? My favorite thus far is Underworld, but I wonder if we're ever going to get a vampire movie that beats Lord of the Rings, Titanic, Star Wars and whatever's in the top... Well, that's my dream. A perfect vampire movie...


Try Bram Stoker's Dracula, directed by Francis Ford Coppola. It'll stay with you.


I hated that movie, too.


My god, this is really awful, I couldn't agree more.
For some time now, I have rated "A dirty shame" as the worst movie ever made, but at least that's a comedy, intended so... I can't believe anything at all about this movie. The dialogue, the script, the casting (did the actors, especially Arianna, read directly from script?), the actors, the story... Director seem to have stumbled over every genre kliché there is, and just HAD to include it in the movie. I can't believe this movie was ever released...


I just noticed that. In fact, I came to the imdb entry to make sure that it was mentioned as a goof for the movie.


I just finished watching it. Well, I wouldn't say finished. The acting alone made me turn it off. But I did catch that part about the wasps, and when I saw it was commented on imdb, just had to check it out. This was the worst movie I have watched thus far. You can always count on the sci-fi channel. Well, I'm off to see "Dark Prince: The True Story of Dracula". At least that's what I think it's called.


Most wasps I know of die after having stung you once, so that quote isn't as dumb as you make it sound. Although I'll agree that it could've sounded way better if he had specified what type of wasp he was referring to :p


Most wasps I know of die after having stung you once, so that quote isn't as dumb as you make it sound. Although I'll agree that it could've sounded way better if he had specified what type of wasp he was referring to :p

Wasps do not die after stinging. The stinger of the bee is serrated allowing it to penetrate the skin but causes it to become embedded when a bee stings; when finished stinging, the appendage is pulled free from its body along with the poison gland and internal organs. The stinger of the wasp is smooth and allows it to sting repeatedly without pulling the stinger free of the body of the insect.
