Release Info...

When and how is this being released? Anyone know anything? I do know that it was at the Toronto Fest recently. I'm wondering if this will be theatrically released. Anyone catch it in Toronto?


Cinema Libre just picked it up, and is releasing it in front of Robert Greenwald's Iraq war documentary "Uncovered" on Sept. 23rd in San Francisco and Berkeley. The films complement each other very well.


Is it going to be on the new 'UNCOVERED' DVD that is being released this month?


Most press reports say it will be releaed with Uncovered on 10/19

Runtime says it only runs 35 minutes. What could they have possible shown in such a short time that was so controversial they had to cancel the entire Three Kings re-release?



There was a planned special edition of Three Kings with Soldiers Pay as an extra, but they pulled it because the studio (I think Warner Brothers) thought it was too hot a topic to pursue. So they gave all distribution rights to Soldiers Pay back to Russell to find a company to release it. Disinformation picked it up, releasing it with Uncovered in theaters as well as the dvd.

Ever since then Russell has made no mention if they will continue on the Three Kings re-release.


Actually Warner Bros. pulled out of it because they were hoping to get the re-release out before the Nov. 2 elections but they soon realized that it would be impossible so they dropped it.


If you want to see a more thorough accounting of what happened to the planned re-release of Three Kings, read the interview of David O. Russell in the November '04 issue of THE BELIEVER. Russell is firm in his conviction that the planned re-release was sabotaged because SOLDIER'S PAY was bundled into the new DVD Special Features for Three Kings. Apparently Warner Brothers didn't want to step on anyone's toes in the Bush White House, and so the re-release of both movie and new DVD, completely possible before, became suddenly "impossible" (according to Warner Bros. executives) to get out in time. That's quite a coincidence. Russell also tells an interesting story about meeting GWBush at a Warner Brothers party in 1999, telling Bush he was working on a film that addressed Bush Sr.'s legacy in Iraq (abandoning the Iraqis who helped the U.S. in the first Gulf War)when GWBush, apparently angered, answers "Well, I guess I'll just have to go back and finish the job, won't I?" That's 2 years before 9/11, folks, in case anybody thinks the mess in Iraq right now was due to acts of terrorism on 9/11. Note: several of the Iraqis who participate in interviews for the documentary SOLDIER'S PAY were extras in Three Kings, which is how Russell first met them.
