The Stamp

Does anyone know who the Israeli border officer was speaking to on the phone, when he was repeatedly asked if he had the "correct"/new stamp?

The conversation gave me the impression that someone intentionaly caused difficulty for the bride's crossing.


I thought so too. I couldn't figure out who would be motivated to do that. Her father?


...Hmmm, perhaps it wasn't her father. I don't think he'd have the authority to advise the Israeli border officer on what stamp to use, or even have knowledge of the various stamps.

During the conversation, my thoughts went to the "chief of police", but it was never followed through.


It was most like just a higher bureaucrat. Unfortunately, the bureaucracy in Isreal is just as complicated as our flawed US system.


It was a new regulation, nothing personal. It was the xenophobia and racism from the Syrian side that caused problems. They simply can't accept the existence of "the Zionist entity". Notice for Arabs it's extremely difficult to even say the name Israel.


"It was the xenophobia and racism from the Syrian side that caused problems."

What tosh. How would you like it if someone grabbed part of your country and refused to part with it?

The reason the Arabs (and the Iranians) refer to 'the Zionist entity' is because Zionists and Israelis are not always the same people. The Zionists are the equivalent to the American neocons and are responsible for most of the aggression in the area.

It's worth pointing out that for centuries Muslims and Jews got along just fine in the Middle East; it wasn't until the foundation of the State of Israel that all this BS started.



If you have neither the time nor the energy then why waste mine with your stupid little post? Obviously I shall be waiting with bated breath for your special bus to come home so you can point out the error of my ways. Plankton.



Watch your language, sonny.



I don't think it was intentional. It seems the Israeli government changed some regulation about stamping passports without notifying anyone on the other side they were doing so. When the Syriam border guard saw the passport stamped with an Israeli stamped, he was annoyed because up to that point, the stamp had always been marked as Syrian. The whole shows how ordinary people get chewed by political wrangling.


Correct about the stamp! Also, do not forget history -- way back before the expulsion of the Jews from Spain, the three cultures lived in harmony -Jews, Arabs, and Christians. There is so much written about this that I will not go into it now. Do your research. If you go to the special features in the DVD, there is an interview with the main actress. She says she's a Palestinian living in Israel, and has never had any problems. They coexist in peace. So, who is to blame for all the problems? Not the people but the politicians, obviously!


@ martita-2, well said. politicians create problems to survive. People don't need them.
