MovieChat Forums > Surf's Up (2007) Discussion > Surf's up or happy feet?

Surf's up or happy feet?

Which do you prefer?
For me Surfs up


"Happy Feet" was fun and all, but I watch "Surf's Up" FAR more often...


I am in the middle of surf's up as we speak, and though I haven't finished watching beats Happy Feet hands down. Happy feet was so full of "lessons" that it made me mad that I had wasted my money. I love the voice actors in this film as well. good film.
hey... there is "Z" as we speak. Cody just found his shack. Okay, I'd better pay attention. :)

Just some food for thought,
Peace, Y'all!
Loralee :)


you better...

Sweet Jeepers...


I musta watched the scene where big z teaches cody to make his own board 25 times so far and it still cracks me up, Surf's Up by far.

"No, no I don't want your help."


I absolutely hated Happy Feet, Surf's Up does it for me dude.


Definately Surf's Up. I wasn't too impressed with Happy Feet, but this movie caught me off gaurd and I thought it was great.


Definitely Surf's Up. I thought I was the only person who didn't get Happy Feet. I couldn't figure out why everyone loved it so much.


i loved both but surfs up still wins hands (or fins) down

"one ring to bind them all"


I liked 'em both, but Happy Feet just beats out Surf's Up, for me. I mean, Surf's Up was a fun movie and all, I enjoyed it. But Happy Feet meant something.


But Happy Feet meant something. meant that I won't ever get those 108 minutes of my life back...

Remy: Are you detecting a certain oaky nuttiness?
Emile: Oh I'm detecting nuttiness alright!


Surf's Up easily.


Surfs up! no contest!
Happy Feet was dribble. It was a lousy attempt at getting a psudo-Eco-Political message into a childrens film. The animation was sub-par, the script was junk, the Characters voices sounded forced and unbelievable, all this wrapped up in an almost non-existant storyline.
Surfs up on the other hand, Has a great message, The animation was amazing, incorperating new CG camera methods, the script was witty and fun, The Actors sounded genuine and drew you into their characters, and the story line was a lot of fun as well.

And so, for reasons including, but not limited to the criteria listed above, Surfs Up is not only my favorite, but also, clearly the better film.
"I love humanity, it's people I can't stand." - Linus Van Pelt


Dude, love your quote. Peanuts RULE! :)


"Surfs up! no contest!
Happy Feet was dribble. It was a lousy attempt at getting a psudo-Eco-Political message into a childrens film. The animation was sub-par, the script was junk, the Characters voices sounded forced and unbelievable, all this wrapped up in an almost non-existant storyline.
Surfs up on the other hand, Has a great message, The animation was amazing, incorperating new CG camera methods, the script was witty and fun, The Actors sounded genuine and drew you into their characters, and the story line was a lot of fun as well.

And so, for reasons including, but not limited to the criteria listed above, Surfs Up is not only my favorite, but also, clearly the better film. "

Hey, it's your opinion, and I got no beef with that...but seriously, what? The animation was sub-par? And right there, your whole post loses credibility. Bam!

Anyhow, hopin' for a box-set or somethin' of these two sometimes soon. That'd be cool.


Not So, The Art in Happy Feet was amazing, The Models and background were also very nicely done, however, the actual animation, and movements of the characters were not great! they weren't as natural and organic as they could have been.
I'm sorry if you don't agree, but for the budget it had, they could have done much better.
"I love humanity, it's people I can't stand." - Linus Van Pelt


...They're penguins. They waddle. I dunno 'bout you, but they seemed pretty organic to me. But, eh. Whatever.


Surf's Up!





Happy Feet was a good movie but I like the tropical twist on Surf's Up.

So, Surf's Up for me.


Surf's up!!!



Surf's Up hands down! but wait what if they make a sequel to Surf's UP? think about that..


Surf's Up.
Lani is hot!! I liked the penguins better here.
Happy Fett had "real" penguins...but it's okay, I like both movies.

When Chuck Norris does a pushup, he isn’t lifting himself up, he’s pushing the Earth down.



Surf's Up. How can you NOT pick a movie where there's a child saying, "He's a dirty trashcan full of poop"?

Tank was a riot. Polishing his "ladies" - hysterical!


I have to say that I absolutely love Surf's Up, I fell in love with when I watched it in the theater and over and over and over again when I watch it on DVD. I fell asleep watching Happy Feet it was that boring.
There's just something about Surf's Up that makes me feel good after watching it, I know that sounds a little corny, but it's true. I just love all the little jokes and things that you catch when you watch it again and again. I crack up pretty much throughout the whole movie and my husband thinks I'm crazy. So yeah, I'd have to say Surf's Up all the way.

She just called you crap.


Surf's Up: I really liked this movie! It was refreshing to watch.
Happy Feet: Let's just type :( :(. Though its story is more centered on music than Surf's Up, I preferred the music in Surf's Up much much more, especially the score! Nice to know that most people here prefer Surf's Up over Happy Feet, which I too believe is overrated...



surf's up...way better than happy feet


Surf's Up is SOOOOOO much better than Happy Feet...I do NOT get why HF is so popular.

oh and here's the main reason....I'll take Green Day and Incubus expressing penguins feelings over the theatrical musical stylings of moping penguins any day! ....did that make any sense?

"Dude, she's totally into you! She called you crap!"



just read this and thought it was funny and relivant:

< What were your thoughts when you were working on this film and the other penguin movie, Happy Feet, came out?

Shia LaBeouf: “Well, we started before they started. Our movie has been five years in the making. It took them like two or three to make theirs. So have that!”

Jon Heder: “They were way too easy. This was surfing. That’s just penguins being penguins.”

Shia LaBeouf: “Cakewalk!”

Jon Heder: “And singing! Yeah, that’s true, but…” >



Did anyone catch the subtle poke at Happy Feet in the beginning of the movie? Where they ask Cody if he has any special skills and Cody replies

"Like what? Singing and dancing?"

That is why Surf's Up is 100 times better than Happy Feet.



Surf's Up... I liked Happy Feet till it got all "save the penguins" ploy *sighs*


This thread is biased. Of course more people will vote surfs up bcuz this is the surf's up board full of ppl who love surfs up!

This is my signature!


Even though I love Happy Feet, I love Surf's up more!
It makes me feel good!

"She's dead!"
"She is? ...These are the moments that make life worth living..."
