The Fire Urchin

I thought the movie was fantastic but that fire urchin cracked me up more than anything talking about his spines being gone.

Fire Urchin: (pointing at spines) "Stepped on me? He danced on me! Look... broken, broken, gone, gone, broken, broken, broken."

That cracks my whole family up!


It's little moments like that that make the film extra brilliant. The first joke in the movie, for example:

Glen: Yeah, it's gonna be great. Can I get in line now to NOT see it?


That was a great scene


Loooooooooved the fire urchin!
We laugh ourselves silly at his line every time we watch this movie!

I actually came to this page to see if someone could tell me who voice him as he's not in the credits. I'm assuming it's someone in the long list of 'additional voices'...but no separate credit.

EDIT: I don't know how I missed it before, but I just noticed that while he was complaining about getting "danced all over", written right above "Fire Urchin" is his name...Ivan.
And Ivan does have a voice credit.



Forgive if I sound like a total white-bread, 'merican type, but I love watching it with the French language soundtrack on during Ivan's part. Not making fun of the French language which is beautiful, but the voice actor sounds so awesome. I giggle like a idjut.


I thought that part was hilarious. In the middle of a crazy scene where they discover he stepped on the fire urchin, they cut to a scene of Ivan, the fire urchin, complaining. It was just perfect timing and hilarious. I couldn't stop laughing.
