What the....?!

I assume many of you have allready noticed this, but the movie is exactly the same as that other animated movie "Cars". Everything's the same except for the fact that in one of the movies all charcters are cars and in the other one all characters are penguins.

that's a realy innovative move from sony to steal Pixars movie.


lol you fail


When I guy named McPonny tells you that that you fail... you know somethings wrong haha


Just watched this tonight and said the exact same thing! I got about halfway through and stopped paying attention since it's basically the same plot. So, no, Vanodi, you do not fail...you make a valid comparison and I tip my hat to you :)



I haven't seen Cars in a really long time, but did they film it in a documentary style also? I think that's what made it stand out.


not really a documentary style in Cars, but because of the racing, the TV presentation/broadcast of the race is included, as well as post interviews.

