so boring.

this movie sucked. the charectars did nothing. their work lives were dull. their personal lives were dull. half of the entire movie was people text messaging one another. and what was up with those crappy animations? i can't believe that visual drivel won a billion awards in china. the only good part was when the guy with the cool nose lit himself aflame.


I agree...!!!

Specially about the animations... so owful.!!

Oscar from Rosario-Argentina


i agrre
it was horrible.
firstly the one actress the band aid gir
annoyed the *beep* out of me
the whole thing was boring
i couldnt watch past the first 20 mins
so then i watched the king and the clown
really good by the way


The film is rhythmic in the style of Tarkovsky. It is meant to display the typical nuances of everyday life. Admit it, a day in a person's life is not too interesting. Jia attempts to discover the world of the typical person living in China and create a film that real people can relate to. The animations are meant to be an indicator as to the oppression of media on the world. Give it a chance and open your culture intake!


Granted boredom is in the pysche of the beholder, and I guess that makes me able to comment on your posting. The movie "The World" is not boring if you consider how really Chinese it is in all its myriad aspects. How magnificent to have something in real time. How fabulous to have no trumped up hollywood tinges. Make that declarative with a !. No I have to insist that your comment is more boring than the film you claim to be just that. But then again, I'm just as boring having to have had to read it and replied.




Life is much about the mundane and the boring. This film might not have the tittilating effect of our customary films, but it says more than tittilation typically does.


Go see Spider Man 3 and shut up, kids.


I agree. After watching half hour of this film and only the hype keeping me watching it for that amount of time.
Long shots into each scene before trite dialogue. I compared it to being there or wherever. Someone mentioned in real time. It reminded me of working in an office or any old dull day in reality with not much happening. A good reflection of life in that respect but I watch films to be moved, to have some sort of an emotional experience, a roller coaster even or to be enlightened in some way, have my thinking stirred . This film should be shown at bedtime to induce a stupor or as a means of shutting over excited people DOWN! DOWN! DOWN!


I have to agree with you. I appreciate good movies and the best movie I have seen recently was a German film with subtitles. So it wasn't the foreign thing. But this movie was the longest two and a half hours of my life. It had no story and was so painful to sit through.


Yes, yes and yes, much too boring.

I usually love just about every foreign film I see. I should have realized this movie was not for me when I saw the cell phone on the cover display. (Not a cell phone fan either.)

I can understand some of what people say are the hidden messages of the film, etc., but must it be so painfully boring?

No, I'm sorry, I just can't go for this film at all.


Duh. Why do you even watch movies which clearly are not for you, and then top it off with writing posts complaining about how boring the movie was?

Will you also make posts on every Hou Hsiao-Hsien and Ozu movie ever made and make clear to everyone that you do not enjoy this kind of cinema? That will be really great and helpful for other people who would like to discuss these movies.


Hear hear. Seems a lot of mainstream popcorn movie fans watched this movie for some odd reason. It was of course over their heads (not the plot itself, but rather all the little subtleties that lie "hidden" in the scenes, the sounds and images, the characters...)


I didn't watch this movie out of choice, I was in a film history class.


The World is one of the most fascinating films to come out this decade.


