Camp Crystal Lake?

Did the setting look to anyone else very, very similar to the lake used in the original "Friday the 13th"?
Even the house/cabin and the docks look the same. Ironically I was watching 'Friday the 13th" JUST before I watched this for the first time!

Anyone else think it looked alike...or know if it is the same lake?

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


When I read the synopsis on Comcast On Demand, I immediately thought of Camp Crystal Lake. Well, any movie involving people going to a lake for the summer makes me think of Jason Voorhees. The surroundings did look similar.

Friday the 13th was originally filmed in New Jersey. Sam's Lake took place in British Columbia.

Perry: "You, stop multiplying!"


Yet another person who can't tell the difference between irony and coincidence
